Endeavour OS - Ready To Be Released

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

One of our favorite Arch-based Linux distros, Antergos, was discontinued recently. All those using Antergos are another distro ready to take place as a user-friendly Arch Linux distro, EndeavourOS.

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EndeavourOS promises to provide an easier way to install and use Arch Linux, just as Antergos did. Their commitment is to answer every question in a friendly manner so that users can learn Arch easily and quickly.

EndeavourOS Ships With XFCE

XFCE is a great environment to explore Linux, so they are shipping the distro with the offline installer that installs the XFCE environment. If you are already familiar with a different desktop environment, they are also planning an online installer that will provide 10 desktop environments — Base, i3-wm, Openbox, Mate, Xfce, KDE, Cinnamon, Gnome, Deepin, and Budgie.

The team will release the online installer after 15th July. No date for an online installer has been given. For the community forum, the team is planning to use Discourse. The forum will also be made public on 15th July.

So far, this is everything we know about this distribution. Their website does not mention much about its future and specific things they will be focusing on.

I installed the beta version in Virtualbox. You can check the screenshots above. The distro is very fast as it uses XFCE. It ships with a great set of applications for daily use, including Firefox web browser, Pidgin internet messenger, Parole media player, Qt Designer, and many others other daily use system utilities.

Download Beta release

EndeavourOS with the offline installer is scheduled to be released on 15th July 2019. Currently, you can install the beta version and try out what they are going to offer.

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