Open Source Vs. Closed Source
Table of Contents
There are many differences between the open-source operating systems and closed source operating systems. Here we have written a few of them.
What Is Open Source? It’s Freedom!

This is the most important thing that a user should possess. I may or may not be modifying the code but someone who wants to modify the code for good purposes should not be restricted. And a user should be allowed to share the software if he likes it. And this is all possible with open-source software. The closed source operating systems have really scaring license terms. Moreover, do all the people read the license terms?, Nope, most of them just click ‘Accept’.
Nearly all of the open-source operating systems are free of cost. People only donate voluntarily. And a single installation CD/DVD or USB can be used to install the OS in as many computers as possible. Closed source operating systems are very costly when compared with open source OSs and if you are building a PC, it may cost you at least $100 per PC.
We could use the money that we may spend on closed source software to buy better.
There are numerous open-source operating systems out there. So if you don’t like a distro then you can try others and at least a single operating system will be suitable for you.
Distros like Ubuntu studio, Bio Linux, Edubuntu, Kali Linux, Qubes, SteamOS are some of the distros that are created for the particular type of users.
Is there anything called choice in closed source operating systems? I don’t think so.
There is no need for Open-source operating systems to collect user data. They are not going to show any personalized ads or sell your data to third parties. If the developers need money they will ask for donations or display ads on their website. ADs will always be related to Linux, so it also helps us. You might have known how a major closed source operating system(you know what its name is) is said to be collecting users’ data which caused many people to turn down their free upgrade offer. Many users of that OS had even turned off updates to avoid any upgrade, it means they preferred security risk to a free upgrade.
Open-source software is mostly secure. They are not secure because of less market share but the way they are made. Qubes Os is one of the most secure OS that isolates the running software from one another.
Closed source operating systems compromise security for usability making them more vulnerable.
Hardware support
Many of us might have an old PC that we don’t want to throw away and at that situation lightweight distros that are capable of giving a new life to them. Here is a list of lightweight operating systems you can try these distros 5 Lightweight Linux for old computers. Linux based OSes come with drivers for almost all devices, so there won’t be any need to search and install drivers.
Many a time closed source operating systems scrap support for older hardware forcing the user to buy new hardware. We may have to search for and install drivers ourselves.
Community Support
Nearly all of the open-source OSes have user forums where you can ask questions and get answers from other users. People share tips and tricks and help each other. Experienced Linux users love to help newbies, so they always try their best to help them.
Closed source OS community is not even comparable to the open source OS community. Questions asked might even go unanswered.
Making many out of OSes will be tough. Developers accept donations from users and get some money from ads that are displayed on their website. Most of the donations are used to pay hosting bills and developers’ salaries.
Many of the closed source OSes not only make money from licensing their software but also through targeted ads.
I accept some of the open-source operating systems provide some software that we may not use in our lifetime and some people consider them as crapware. But there are distros that provide the minimal installation that contain no unwanted software. So, crapware is not really a problem.
All the closed source operating systems contain crapware installed by the manufacturer and will force as to do a clean installation.
Open-source software is more like a philosophy. It’s a way of sharing and learning. It’s even good for the economy.
So, we have listed things that we know. If you think we have missed some points, then please do comment and let us know.
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