PostInstallerF prepares Post Install in Ubuntu and Fedora

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents


It takes too much time to prepare a newly installed Operating System. First, find the repositories, then add them to install the desired software. But PostInstallerF makes that big task a lot easier.

Introduction to PostInstallerF

PostInstallerF is the application that allows one to install many and many applications from the one place, like Chrome, Firefox, Flash player and so many. We don’t need to find and add any repositories to install desired packages. It is already in one place. All you need is to select the applications that you want to install and click install. There you go!

How to install PostInstallerF in Ubuntu and Fedora

Installing PostInstallerF in Ubuntu will need some dependencies to be installed on Ubuntu.

Type these commands into the terminal

wget -c
wget -c

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install yad

sudo apt-get install packagekit

Above command may need dependency. Type " sudo apt-get install packagekit-tools"

sudo dpkg -i app-install-data-postinstallerf_1.0-6_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i postinstallerf_1.5-15_all.deb sudo apt-get install -f

Install PostInstaller in Fedora

  • Switch to root user
  • Install wget package
yum install wget
  • cd to /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

  • Update the software repository, and install PostInstallerF.
yum update

yum install postinstallerf

How to use PostInstallerF

After installation completed start the application from the menu/Unity dash.

postinstallerf prepare configure post install ubuntu fedora

For ease in installation, packages are categorized. Browse the category for the package you want to install –

postinstallerf post installtion in linux ubuntu, linux, fedora

The fourth item is for codecs. If you don’t have audio and video codecs installed, then use this option –

postinstallerf install audio and video codecs in linux

The app will search for all the audio and video codecs and will install them automatically.

Checklist mode is very useful. It gives you the programs to configure the system functionality and also the option to shut down.

postinstallerf check list mode ubuntu or fedora

Click on install,  it will give the following screen with the best packages. Select the packages you want to install and click install.

postinstallerf select and install packages in fedora, ubuntu

In the same way, other functions will work. If you don’t have GIMP, an awesome and easiest image editor, then install it clicking the GIMP icon. Install Clementine, flash plugin and check out other options yourself.


PostInstallerF saves time. As we watched packages/software can easily be installed at once. Check the package and start the installation.
