Timetable Scheduler App For Linux

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

Timetable is a scheduling app available on flathub repositories. The app is maintained by the Elementary OS team and thus it’s User Interface looks like its own native OS. Might look a bit out of place on GNOME, KDE, Cinnamon, etc but still yet the app works like a charm. Read on below to get more done with Timetable.

Install Timetable

You can search Timetable on GNOME overview or through your Software center app to install Timetable. Alternatively, you can use the below command to install the app on your favorite terminal program:

sudo flatpak install flathub com.github.lainsce.timetable

Schedule task

On a normal working day, we usually have more than one task to accomplish. And it is hard to keep track of most of our to-do lists in our minds if we don’t externalize it on paper or through typing. Timetable can help you conveniently schedule each task according to your timing preference. Below is a sample screenshot of me scheduling my tasks for the week.

timetable app schedule

The user interface is simple without unnecessary toolbars. Each day is split in horizontals along with a + symbol after each day. That + symbol is used for adding new tasks for the day. You can have more than two tasks on a specific day by just adding more with the + button.

Colorize your task

Imagine having more than three tasks on a given day and all are colored white! That looks dull and discouraging. You can personalize each of your tasks by changing its color either while creating the task or through its task settings option.

colorize task timetable app

The first screenshot above clearly demonstrates the benefit of colorizing your tasks. Not only it looks beautiful but more readable. Maybe you might even get the urge to complete the task too ;P


Timetable is a cool task scheduling application for your Linux desktop. If you are having a hard time keeping track of your to-do lists, I assure you can get more productive with this simple task scheduling app. Do you have some cool alternatives to Timetable? Let me know in the comment section below and maybe I might write an article about it. Till then take care.
