Transform Your Ubuntu Into Windows 10 Look With these GTK Themes

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

transform ubuntu into windows 10

Ubuntu comes with two default themes namely Ambiance and Rediance. Both of the themes are nice and simple. But isn’t it better if you can make Ubuntu more attractive by installing custom themes? Yes, you can! Ubuntu and all other Linux distributions allow you to install custom themes. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how you can transform your Ubuntu to like Windows 10 by installing custom Windows 10 looking theme.

There are tons of Linux themes out there. LinuxAndUbuntu has a blog dedicated to Linux themes, check out here. I came across themes developed by b00merang which are well designed, gives you feeling of Windows while you’re using Ubuntu. Although you’re using Linux it does not make any difference to your system other than look and style. It’s fun! They have created Windows 10 themes for GTK, XFCE, and Cinnamon. Check out their amazing work below on my laptop.  I am using Ubuntu 15.04. Isn’t it close to Windows 10 look?

The theme is available in Light and Dark flavors so you can use one in the night and one in the day! 🙂

Transform Ubuntu/Linux Into Windows 10

Windows 10 like ubuntu desktop

Windows 10 transformation for ubuntu

Ubuntu windows 10 control panel

Ubuntu windows explorer like nautilus

Ubuntu titlebar windows 10

Windows 10 like nautilus

Download & Install Windows 10 Themes For Your Linux

[penci_button link=”” icon=”fa fa-address-book” icon_position=”left” target=”_blank”]Download[/penci_button]

Installation InstructionsYou can find all the installation instructions on the official website. If you have any problem installing the theme in your system then please ask in the commend below. I’ll be there to help you.
