Frogr - Flicker Client For Linux

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

Frogr is a Linux application that allows you to upload photos to Flickr. Flickr users do not need to use the Flickr web app to upload their favourite photos. Frogr allows you to upload photos and edit their title, description, tags, and privacy settings, among other things. It enables you to edit anything provided by the Flickr web app. Frogr is designed for GNOME, but it also works with other desktop environments.

Frogr main app window


Frogr is a full-featured app for syncing your Flickr account with your Linux system. There are features such as uploading photos, editing the title, description, tags, visibility, content type, safety level, and License type. You can also configure ‘Show up in Global search results,’ ‘Geolocation information,’ and ‘Replace Date Posted with Date Taken.’

Frogr photo edit window

How To Install Frogr In Debian & Ubuntu Based Linux Distributions

Frogr can be easily installed in Ubuntu from PPA. Just add the following PPA and update the local repositories cache and install frogr.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mariospr/frogr
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install frogr

How To Install Frogr In Fedora

$ sudo yum install frogr

How To Use Frogr In Linux

When you have installed Frogr, launch it from the system menu. The dialog box will pop up, prompting to authorize your Flickr account. Click OK.

Authorize Frogr to use Flickr account

  As you click OK the Authorize frogr box will pop up and at the same time, it’ll open Flick login page automatically. Enter your credentials and click login. After a successful login, you’ll have a nine-digit code. Enter that code in the Frogr authorize dialog box.

Authorize Frogr from Flickr login page
flickr verification code for Frogr  Frogr verification code  

Click Close after entering the verification code and you’re done. You have authorized Frogr to use your Flickr account.

How To Upload Photos To Flickr

add photos to frogr for Flickr upload

Click the plus sign from the main window menu and add as many wallpapers as you want. To add the title, description and license information etc. to your photo, double click the photo and fill the information.

Frogr main app window  Frogr photos edit window  

Now click the Upload icon from the menu and the upload will start. All the photos will be uploaded to your Flickr one by one.

Video: How to Install & Use Frogr Flickr Client In Linux

If you use any other app in Linux to sync your Flickr account then please share with us in the comment below. We’ll love to use it.
