
Master The Linux Command Line

Master The Linux Command Line Members Public

If you use Linux long enough, you will most likely have performed actions via the terminal in some capacity, even if it was something as simple as installing a package. You might even know how to create directories or folders, move, copy or rename files and folders, run software, run

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
lmms guide custom sounds

LMMS Tutorial Part 4: Custom Sounds, Instruments And Other Tricks Members Public

In previous articles, you were introduced into the basics of LMMS, and using sound files and presets as instruments for your songs. Also, you were shown a few sound effect plugins using the FM Mixer interface. This series concludes by showing you some of the techniques that I use when

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
what is selinux

All About SELinux Members Public

Almost all of us have heard about SELinux. It stands for Security-Enhanced Linux, a set of kernel modifications, patches, tools that separates the security decision security policy. In simpler terms, the control of access to security policies including Mandatory Access Control (MAC) away from the security policies itself.   What Is

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
lmms guide panning volume

LMMS Guide Part 3: Panning, Volume, And Sound Effects Members Public

This guide will demonstrate how you can adjust the volume and panning of tracks, beats, and even individual notes. I will also demonstrate a few sound effect plugins that come with LMMS as well to play around with. In previous tutorials, there was a quick tour of the LMMS interface

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Network Management with

Linux Network Management with "netstat" Members Public

The netstat (short for network statistics) command line tool helps in retrieving information such as network connections, network interfaces in use, routing tables, masquerade connections.  It lists out all the TCP, UDP socket connections, and the UNIX socket connections. The common test case that almost everybody encounters to see whether

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux tools
Complete Tutorial On How To Setup SSH Keys amp SSH Connections

Complete Tutorial On How To Setup SSH Keys & SSH Connections Members Public

SSH is a famous way to connect to remote machines securely and easily. You can use SSH to connect to your cloud server/VM or a friend’s PC or almost anyone remotely to perform certain activities you want. For instance, I use SSH to connect to my Google Cloud

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Compiling Software From Source Code

Basics Of Compiling Software From Source Code In Linux Members Public

From time to time, you may want or need to compile a software/program from the source code. This involves compiling C or C++ code into something we can execute in Linux. Depending on the software you wish to compile, it’s often unnecessary to do so. This is because

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Setting Up LVM Partition On Linux Server

Setting Up LVM Partition On Linux Server Members Public

Think about this situation, you have a Ubuntu server and with your home videos or movies, books and other important files that are worth having a backup. You don’t have enough space on your laptop and also on your server the available space is almost gone. You go to

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials