Avidemux Video Editor An Easy To Use Video Editor For Linux

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

Avidemux Video Editor An Easy To Use Video Editor For Linux

​We all edit videos sometime in our life. It can be your Granny’s video or Mom’s special recipe video or your artist awesome line that you need to upload to youtube. On Linux, we have an awesome video editor which is fairly easy to use and is very much powerful. The editor I am talking about is Avidemux.
​The team behind Avidemux defines it as:- “Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering, and encoding tasks. It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue, and powerful scripting capabilities.”It is easy for beginners as is GIMP. You can find a guide on basic image editing with GIMP on LinuxAndUbuntu here.

How To Install Avidemux In Linux?

​Getting Avidemux is pretty easy and fast. You need to search it in your software store and install it. The problem arises when you cannot find it in store. The solution is to manually add the repo and you are done.Enter this command for Ubuntu/Debian based distros to add repository for Avidemux –

sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc)-getdeb apps” >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list’
add avidemux video editor repository in linux

wget -q -O- http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb-archive.key | sudo apt-key add –
install avidemux in linux

sudo apt update && sudo apt install avidemux2.6-qt
Avidemux is now installed. But we still have some work left. Now go to your software center and search for Avidemux, now you will find results. Install all necessary files.
​Remember installing all necessary files (specially plugins) resolve a most common error of Avidemux which is it cannot find a demuxer. The demuxer error is common and can be resolved by above step.If you are not Ubuntu/Debian based go on this link and get the appropriate package for your distro.

​Now, we are completely done installing Avidemux. Let us move to the editing part.

Basic Editing

​There is nothing in reality that you will ever need a guide to understand how to do editing on Avidemux. Really on my whole use, I find it very simple that even a newbie can do pro like editing on it.Here are some tips on basic editing that I did on Avidemux.

You can easily Cut, Copy and Paste selected part of a video in Avidemux.

​You can see two options namely A & B on the bottom near seek buttons. A goes for start mark and B goes for Stop Mark. Select a portion using them and hit the key i.e. Crtl+X to cut, Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste. This is also easily done from Edit menu.You can easily alter the output using the left tab options offering to set your custom format for Audio and Video.

change audio format in avidemux

​You can edit the video more like adding a logo in video and much more at the top option Video and then Filters.
apply filters to video in avidemux

​Overall, It is really very easy to edit videos with Avidemux and I can bet you are not going to search for any guidance on the internet as it is very much easy and powerful.

It’s an easy to use video editor

​I spend some days with Avidemux and I am glad to say that it is a good and easy to use. Although there were certain things that disappointed me and many things that made me happy. Here are the points in brief for you.

  1. Avidemux is easy to use as it supports the most used key combinations like Ctrl+C for copy and other things. It really impressed me.
  2. The configurations are perfectly divided and most of the used editing tools are available at home screen.
  3. It is regularly updated and well maintained. You can easily download it for most of the Linux distros.
  4.  Although the UI is not very impressive but it is also not very much outdated. I liked the simple classic UI.

I also got disappointed with a few things like

  1. Most people are getting demuxer error but Avidemux doesn’t warn users to install the required plugin if they are getting an error.
  2.  Avidemux doesn’t go for simple file format names rather goes for pro ones that can be a bit confusing for newbies, I think alternative names for some modes should be provided.
avidemux a friendly video editor for linux


​Overall, I think Avidemux is awesome and every newbie should try it while they are going through a way to find a fairly easy to  use video editor on Linux. Avidemux is small, powerful and awesome. I was really impressed by it.What do you think about Avidemux? Do you use it or any other video editor? I would love to hear your feedback. Inform us by dropping a comment below now!
