3 Best Evernote Alternatives With Official Linux Clients
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Evernote is a well-known note-taking application that allows you to create, edit, and delete notes from their web-based application as well as Evernote client apps for Windows, Mac, and all major mobile platforms. Unfortunately, Evernote does not have a client app for Linux. Evernote has some unofficial clients, such as Everpad. However, there are always issues with such unofficial clients. In this article, I’ve compiled a list of three Evernote alternatives that offer all note-taking features as well as a Linux client for syncing notes directly from your Linux desktop.
1. WizNote
WizNote is a free note-taking application for personal use that allows Linux users to sync notes directly from their desktop via an official WizNote Linux client application. WizNote has many useful features, including unlimited note sync, the ability to create teams and groups, a commenting system that allows members of your team to comment on your notes, private deployment, and much more.

Wiznote has a tagging feature in addition to basic text editing. You can tag your notes and search for all notes that have been tagged with a specific keyword. You can also turn off tagging if you want.
If you want to add something to your notes, Wiznote allows you to do so. It allows you to add attachments to your notes, allowing you to create more useful notes.

Wiznote allows you to create teams and groups. You can add members to your teams, and they will be able to collaborate and comment on your notes.

Easily sync all of your notes. Wiznote syncs your notes when you save a note, but you can also sync all of your notes by clicking the button on the top left of the Wiznote window.
How To Install WizNote In Ubuntu?
Installing WizNote is Linux is easy. Just use the following PPA on Ubuntu or Ubuntu based distributions to install WizNote.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wiznote-teamsudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wiznote
How To Install Wiznote In Fedora?
Log in Or Sign up
You will need to sign up before you use Wiznote for note taking. Just sign up and then sign in to start using Wiznote.

2. Laverna
On Linux, another Evernote alternative is Laverna. Laverna, like WizNote, offers an official Linux client for creating, editing, and deleting notes without having to visit a web-based application. Laverna, on the other hand, is a little different from the other Evernote alternatives. It does not have its own storage to store and sync notes, but it can be connected to Dropbox cloud storage and all of your notes will be saved in the cloud storage, making all of your notes available at all times.
How To Install & Use Laverna In Linux?
Visit Laverna site and download Laverna compress file.
Extract downloaded Laverna file and run laverna.
Create Encryption Password and remember it. Laverna encrypts all your notes and to access your notes, you’ll require an encryption password. So don’t forget the encryption password.

Select the synchronization method as Dropbox and click next. You can download settings backup to help you reset the app without re-entering your information.

Authenticate your Dropbox account with Laverna.

Everything is ready! Now Enjoy creating notes with Laverna.

3. Springseed
If the above two Evernote alternatives do not persuade you for some reason, there is Springseed. Springseed is a straightforward note-taking app for Linux. It’s simple, but it has the most basic features, such as simple text formatting, HTML support to make notes more attractive and easy to read, and cloud sync with Dropbox so you can access your notes from any device.

The above note was created by me using HTML and CSS. You can write CSS within <style> tags and use the CSS in HTML to apply CSS to your notes.

Springseed is only available for Ubuntu so you can install it on your other devices that have Ubuntu and sync your notes between your devices using Dropbox cloud storage feature in Springseed.
How To Install Springseed In Ubuntu
Springseed is only available for the Ubuntu Linux operating system. It is simple to download and install on your Ubuntu machine. Install it with gDebi, software centre, or any other package installer after downloading it from the official site.
That’s it! When using Linux, the three Evernote alternatives are useful. It’s incredible that we have these applications with beautiful and sleek user interfaces on Linux. If you use another application on Linux to create your notes, please let us know in the comments section. Also, don’t forget to vote in the poll below to tell us which of these three applications you prefer.
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