Compare PDF Files With DiffPDF In Ubuntu Linux, Debian, Fedora & Other Derivatives

DiffPDF is a small but useful tool that compares two PDF files and let you know the differences. This easy to use tool is free for Linux. If you often read books then you can compare for changes in the paragraph and other deep aspects. Let’s see how to install and use DiffPDF in Linux distributions including Ubuntu, Debian, PCLinuxOS, and Fedora.

By default DiffPDF compares two files by text but if you want you can also compare graphics of the two files. For example, if there are graphs in the PDFs then you can compare those graphs also and DiffPDF will specify the differences.

DiffPDF Features

  • Compare text
  • Compare Appearances
  • View Changes
  • Set Page Ranges
  • Exclude Margins
  • Produce Reports

For comparing the text of two PDF files, first, insert file File#1 and File#2 and from right sidebar select ‘Words‘ from Compare drop-down list. Select view of the files and use preview and next button to see the next changes in the PDFs.

If you want to compare also want to compare images of the PDFs then select ‘Appearances‘ from Compare drop-down list from the right sidebar. You can also compare the two PDFs Characterwise. Just select ‘Characters‘ from Compare drop-down list. When you have set everything click compare button from bottom of the sidebar. You’ll notice changes in the highlighted texts.

If you want to change the highlighted color of texts then click ‘Options‘ and from Highlighting tab change coloring to your wish.

How To Install DiffPDF In Linux Distributions


$ sudo apt-get install diffpdf


Fedora 22 64-bit

Fedora 21 64-bit

Fedora 22 32-bit

Fedora 21 32-bit


PCLinuxOS 64-bit

