Debian Enters Freeze State For Buster Release

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

Debian testing enters freeze state for the release of the next Debian stable version called Buster. The current stable version of Debian is Stretch which is versioned 9. So you can correctly guess Buster version is gonna be the number 10. If you aren’t a Debian testing user, worry not, there are tons of exciting new stuff to expect in the next stable Debian version.


debian buster schedule

Below is the schedule of freezes Debian testing will undergo before the successful release of Debian buster:

  • 2019-01-12 – Transition freeze
    Large changes and packages that fail autopkgtests are blocked from migrating to testing. Otherwise, ‘standard’ testing migration rules for packages apply.
  • 2019-02-12 – Soft-freeze
    Small and targeted fixes are carried out.
  • 2019-03-12 – Full-freeze
    Manual review by the release team for migrating a package to testing.

What to expect in Buster?

You can expect lots of new feature updates in Buster. For instance, GNOME v3.30.2 is being already rolled out on Debian testing including new cool updates for KDE plasma lovers too and so on for other desktop environments and popular software like LibreOffice, Blender, VLC, etc.  


Did you know? Buster is the first Toy story character to be featured as the codename for Debian 10 that is not actually a toy. Hope you are excited about the next stable version of Debian Buster that is to be released soon. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
