How To Install Microsoft Fonts In Ubuntu Linux
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Arial, Times New Roman, Impact, and Verdana are some of the most used sources. They are so widely used in the fact that whenever you open a Word document from any computer, you expect to immediately find its presence. However, in its newly installed Ubuntu (and many other Linux distributions), it is found that there is absolutely no trace of any of these sources. Ubuntu, by default, does not include the major Microsoft fonts commonly used in your installation. The set of fonts you use is not compatible with Windows or Mac. This means that if you create a document and send it to your partner for editing, he/she will not be able to see it in the way it was originally a format. Conversely, you will not be able to see the document that your friend sends you in the way it has been formatted unless he/she is using the same fonts as you.Luckily, installing the Microsoft source packages (and any other new fonts) in Ubuntu is easy. Here’s how you can do it on your own:
Installing Microsoft Core Fonts on Ubuntu Linux
The Microsoft base font package consists of the following sources:
* Andale Mono
* Arial Black
* Arial (bold, italic, bold italic)
* Comic Sans MS (bold)
* Courier New (bold, italic, bold italic)
* Georgia (bold, italic, bold italic)
* Impact
* Times New Roman (Bold, cursive, bold italic)
* Trebuchet (bold, cursive, italic bold)
* Verdana (bold, cursive, italic bold)
* Webdings
To install them, open your Synaptic Package Manager ( System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager ). Scroll down until you find msttcorefonts. Check the box next to it and select Mark for installation. Click Apply on the menu bar to install the font package.

Alternatively, if the terminal form is preferred, simply type the following command on your terminal. sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
Install new fonts
Installing the Microsoft base font package is just the beginning. There will be many occasions when it is necessary to install a new set of fonts for a specific project. Here’s how you can do it:
If you are installing new fonts for your personal use and you do not want others to have access to them, simply create a .sources folder in your home directory and paste all the fonts into it. Here are the steps:
1. Download the fonts (which must be in zip format)
2. Extract the fonts.
3. Open Nautilus (Places -> Home). Press Ctrl + H to reveal all hidden files and folders.
4. Check if the sources exist folder. If not, create the folder and name .sources.
5. Copy and paste the new font (s) into the .fonts folder.
6. Restart the application. Fonts should be available for use now.
If you want to install the whole system and allow others to use it:
1. Create a new folder on your desktop. Name it NewFonts
2. Download the new font (s) and extract it to the NewFonts folder
3. Open a terminal
4. Enter the command: sudo cp -R ~ / Desktop / NewFonts / usr / share / fonts. This copies the new font (s) to the system font folder.
5. Restart the application. The fonts are now available for use throughout the system.
If you are using KDE, there is an installer application that allows you to install new fonts easily.The font installer application is located under System Settings.

Better representation of sources
Now that you have installed your favorite fonts on your system, here is a very simple trick to improve font rendering and make it look nicer.Open your Appearance settings page ( System -> Preferences -> Appearance )
Click the Fonts tab. In the rendering section, check the smoothing sub-pixels button.

You should notice the difference immediately.
If you are using Ubuntu lower or an earlier version, here’s what to do:
Type the following command in the terminal
Sudo ln -sf /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-autohint.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/
Log in again. You should see a noticeable difference in font rendering.
Ubuntu and other Linux appropriations really incorporate Red Hat’s “Freedom Fonts” and utilize them of course in their office suites. These fonts were intended to substitute for Arial, Arial Narrow, Times New Roman, and Courier New. They have an indistinguishable width from Microsoft’s prominent fonts.In the event that you open a report composed with Times New Roman, the suitable Liberation textual style will be utilized rather so the stream of the record won’t be interfered. Be that as it may, these fonts don’t seem to be indistinguishable to Microsoft’s fonts. The Liberation extends likewise doesn’t give fonts intended to coordinate the width of Calibri and Microsoft’s other more up to date ClearType fonts. In case you’re a Linux client that needs an ideal Microsoft Office similarity, you ought to introduce Microsoft’s fonts.
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