Importance of Data Security during Migration From On-Premises to Cloud

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

Data Migration is actually the process of transferring data from one system to another and changing storage, databases or applications. The ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) process states that data migration always requires at least Extract and Load steps.

We have recently talked about migrating WordPress sites from one server to another. This article helps you understand the process of data migration and the type of data migration.

 Data Migration Goals 

Usually, data migration occurs during upgrades or moving hardware that is used to an entirely new system. Examples: migration to or from a hardware platform; database upgrade or migration to new software; or a company merger where the systems in two companies need to be merged into one. 

 There are three main choices we can make to achieve data migration: 

  1. Merging systems from both companies into one new system 
  1. Migrate from one system to another. 
  1. Leaving the existing system but creating a data warehouse on it. 

Types of Data Migration 

 There are several types of data migration, such as: 

 Storage Migration 

The first one is the storage migration. Usually, the steps can be handled transparently, but as long as the app only uses the basic interface for data access. Fortunately, this won’t be a problem in most systems. But still, you have to pay extra attention to the older applications that run within the proprietary system. 

The source code of a certain app is usually not available from the start. Another problem may also arise when the vendor isn’t even existed anymore. So, that’s why this migration is a bit tricky and challenging to do, especially remembering the aspect of relevancy. 

 Database Migration 

The next one is database migration, which is basically a more straightforward step because it uses the basics from the storage area. This easy task could be turned into a difficult one if you encounter several problems like matched data types and different codings. 

There are some specific types of data that you can handle easily by selecting only the closest one for maintaining integrity. However, things could turn South if the database supports more complex data formats. 

A database is usually used not only as a place to store the data. But, sometimes, it could be a representative of the business logic. That’s why you always need to be careful when doing the migration process, especially on the larger database. 

There are cases when the database doesn’t even have support for the same feature. In this case, you need to make changes that are based on the app side. 

To make the database even safer, you may also opt for using the VPN services. Be advised, always trust the trustable developers, like PIA, for example. PIA offers VPN encryption features, which may support more efficiency for your business. The essential data will remain safe and intact.  

App Migration 

Now, there are chances that you see the two migration methods above to be the easy ones. Well, it can be right or wrong depending on your actual skill in doing the migration. 

But, we need to inform you that the app migration isn’t as easy as theirs. Although it was designed by the same vendor, the store data may be different in terms of structures and also formats. 

So, in order to make things simple, you may opt for the full ETL process.  

Benefits of Migrating Data to Cloud Computing 

Digitalization that is increasingly advanced and developing at this time makes more and more companies and organizations build their business by relying on cloud computing technology or cloud computing. In addition to digitization, the various advantages offered by this technology are also the reasons for using it by companies. 

There are at least three different advantages for a company’s business when adopting or migrating to cloud computing services. 

The first advantage of adopting cloud computing is operational cost savings. These cost savings are obtained from the shift of the expenditure model from CapEx to OpEx. OpEx can be optimized through subscale economies obtained from cloud computing service providers, such as AWS. 

The second advantage is the increased staff productivity even though operating with the same number of teams. This is due to the fact that, previously. A lot of time was needed to take care of IT infrastructure. Now with cloud computing, it is no longer needed. 

With it, they (the staff) can focus on more productive work, such as contributing to innovation and application development. 

The third advantage is operational resilience, which is obtained from an increase in availability, security, and reduced downtime. The fourth advantage itself is the existence of business agility or business agility. 

Through the adoption of cloud computing, the team in the company can develop new products and new features or even expand the business to new locations more quickly and efficiently.
