Install Steam In Ubuntu

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Table of Contents

You are using Linux and believe that it does not support gaming. If that’s the case, I’m afraid you’re not familiar with Steam. Steam is a gaming client that allows you to play fantastic games on your Linux system. You can play hundreds of free and paid games without having to search the entire internet. Everything in one place and simple to set up! So let’s get this party started!

What is Steam?

Valve Corporation created Steam, a multi-player platform. It is used to distribute games and other media over the internet. Steam offers the user the ability to install and manage software across multiple computers, as well as community features such as friend lists and groups, as well as in-game voice and text chat functionality.

Steam was not available for Linux, so we had to use wine, but it is now available for Linux as well. You can enjoy a slew of new games that are being added on a daily basis.

System Requirements

To play Steam games, you must be running Ubuntu 16.04 or later on a dual-core system with 2GBs or more of RAM and a clock speed of at least 2.8GHz. You’ll also need an Nvidia GeForce 8500/9600GT or an ATI/AMD Radeon HD 2500/3600 or better graphics card, as well as the most recent drivers for it. Finally, you’ll require the most recent versions of Flash and OpenGL 2.1.

How To Install Steam In Ubuntu/Linux Mint?

Installing Linux is as simple as downloading and installing any other applications.

Visit the steam download page clicking the button below –

download and install steam gaming client from website

Website will automatically detect your operating system so just click the ‘Install Steam Now’ like above in the picture. It will download client of some 1.5 MB (may change in future for future release). Open steam.deb file with software center and click install.

install steam_latest.deb file with software center

After you successfully installed Steam with software center, open steam from dash or start menu. Here I am showing in Ubuntu dash.

start steam from dash or start menu to play hd games

Start steam and you will see a window like this so you need to click Start Steam button.

start steam to process installtion

Start Steam button will give you another window like below for accepting terms and condition. Accept terms and condition and click OK button.

steam terms and conditions on linux ubuntu

Now a terminal window will open up asking for a password. Type your password and hit enter to start the further installation.

install necessary file to install steam on linux

Now there is a final step toward installing Steam. After terminal finishes installing all necessary files it will prompt to continue by pressing return. Hit enter to continue. Now the final step is it will download files. This is the final step in the installation. Let it download all the files.

install steam on ubuntu/linux mint and play hd games
installing updates for steam to play hd games

Once it is updated you are all done. Now, set up your steam account and download HD Games in your Ubuntu/Linux Mint.

Setup Steam Account

Start steam from dash or start menu and this time you’ll be given the following window to create or login to your account. Click create a new account if you don’t have one.

Create steam account in Ubuntu/Linux Mint

After you created account open the confirmation link sent to your mail id to confirm the account.

Confirm steam account in Ubuntu/Linux mint

Yipeeee! After a long but easy process, you have steam installed on your Linux box. Choose the games you want to install it will download it first and done! You can play it. You can purchase games and play free games on the Games menu.

Steam store in linux ubuntu
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