Time To Break Linux Myths
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Yes! You read right. While the world is realizing the power of Linux, on the other hand, there are also people found debating in the communities like, Reddit about how bad Linux is due to several problems. Several issues that are raised are actually myths about Linux. So here is a try from LinuxAndUbuntu to cover and clear some of the most talked-about Linux myths.
Why Are There Myths About Linux?

One might ask that why we are discussing this topic. Why only Linux myths are spread in the communities? Why not other operating systems? Doesn’t that mean that there are issues with Linux that’s why people are shouting about those? It’s simple to answer! There are always issues with all OSes, whether it be Windows, Mac, or any other OS that exists. But the Linux issues have been the same since its popularity began.
People started saying that Linux is difficult to use, it’s only CLI and is only for power users. All these issues can easily be found in communities discussed by the other OSes’ users. How can one raise an issue that was resolved way back in history?
People prejudice about Linux
According to me, people most of the time prejudge something about Linux without even using it. If they would have used it at least once, there could have been a different opinion. They listen from somebody and forwarded the issue without confirming its existence
Some Myths About Linux
1. It’s Damn Too Difficult To Use

This is the first thing comes to newbies’ mind when you try discussing Linux with him/her. Linux is hard to use! It is an obvious thing that has to happen with anyone whether trying out Linux for the first time or Mac or even Windows. I remember when I started using Windows 16 years ago. It was hard for me to even navigate through the operating system for accessing files & documents. Soon I got used to it. I learned how Windows work and how we can install a new program or remove an existing one.
The same goes with Linux. If you use other Operating systems then it’ll take some time to understand Linux. Linux & Windows are two different technologies. There are interface differences, there are different package managers to install packages in the Linux distros, etc.
What one can do to quickly learn Linux is to find online courses. We have so many free & premium courses available online that can teach Linux quickly & at your own pace.
2. Linux Is CLI(Command Line Interface)
The second issue that is often raised that does not exist is that it’s CLI. Again, if somebody tries Linux for at least a week will know that this is a myth and not at all an issue.Currently, we have a great number of Linux desktop environments. We have desktop environments for new Linux users, advanced users, users who want to customize their DE, users who want a simple & fast DE. For more information on Linux Desktop environments, I’ve written an article focusing on 5 of the popular Linux desktop environments. I’ve also written article on the Lightweight Desktop environments. All it shows is the developers’ hard work to make Linux for everyone.
3. Linux Does Not Provide Lots Of Apps

Really? If someone really thinks that, I’m sure he/she has never touched Linux. Actually, there are thousands of Linux apps available alone in the Ubuntu default repositories. Other than Ubuntu, there are thousands of developers, third-party services that provide Linux apps.
Most of the Linux apps are free and open-source which means anyone can download the source code, customize it and create his own app using that code. This makes an app survive in all conditions. If the code developer drops the development, there are hundreds of developers to take on the development.
4. Linux Is For Power Users And For Servers only

This is the myth that I find least online. Mostly I see people around me talking about Linux like it’s not for desktops but servers. I’ve discussed this many times with my friends, relatives, and neighbors. Today approximately every Linux distro provides versions for both desktops and servers. Some of them are Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, CentOS, and a lot more.
We even have Linux distributions that are focused on new Desktop users such as, Linux Mint, Zorin OS, etc. So I suggest using Linux at least once and see the rapid Linux development for desktop users.
5. Linux Is Not Fun! No Games, No Entertainment!

Some say Linux is boring. No support for HD gaming etc. But like all the above points, it’s also a myth. Linux gaming is improved a lot. We have Steam to play HD games on Linux, Wine and PlayOnLinux to play Windows games on Linux. The gaming drivers are available in case you need them.
Steam is the best software for installing & playing Windows games on Linux. Steam released Steam Play that allows playing Windows games on Linux. So far, hundreds of titles have been converted to Linux including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Rocket League, ARK Survival Evolved, and a lot more.

If you don’t want to mess up with the installation of all these gaming tools, platforms and drivers, we have got Linux distributions that only focus on gaming. These Linux distributions come pre-installed with gaming platforms, tools, and drivers. So just install them & start playing your favorite games with the power of Linux.
I recently wrote an article on the top Linux distributions for gaming. Read it for more information on Linux gaming distros.

In this article, I tried discussing some of the myths that I often deal with online & offline. I hope this article will help people understand that Linux is as easy to use as other operating systems. It has got more power, security and of course, it’s fun to use Linux. Finally, don’t forget to share this article on your social pages & in communities to remove the myths about Linux.
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