Things To Know About Linux Kernel Panic

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

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​For an OS (Operating System) to work it has to be fully “Synchronized” with the hardware, this includes audio and video connection with the help of drivers, wireless connection and other hardware options to connect the hardware and software. These connections may not work well and sometimes your system can crash and make you lose data. In this article, I will talk about Kernel Panic which is a System crash for Linux.  

What is Kernel Panic?

BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) is like a horror movie title, but for your information is a Windows system crash. You might be asking yourself why are we talking about BSOD instead of Kernel Panic. BSOD happens more than Kernel Panic and if your first were Windows user at least once you saw this crash happen on your machine. The Crash doesn’t let you save your work. The name came up because when your system interrupts it processes it appears a blue screen with some information on the causes for the shutdown.

windows 10 bsod error

​But, what about Kernel Panic? Have you heard the name before? Kernel Panic is a low-level error (normally on faulty hardware) that the system is unable to recover from resulting in a system restart and can damage your data or even the system.

As a method of protecting the system from corruption, the system restarts without notifying the user.

linux kernel panic error screenshot

  ​The kernel panic produces messages reporting the error causes. This information can be useful for technicians for debugging but is hard to understand for inexperienced users.Possible reasons to Kernel Panic

  • Inappropriate attempt by OS to write to RAM;
  • Software bugs or malware;
  • Faulty Hardware ( i.e. RAM – If you upgraded your RAM to an unsupported frequency or if not fitted properly);
  • Incompatible drivers;

Ways to avoid kernel panic

  • Normally Kernel Panic doesn’t happen so often and actually is pretty rare.
  • To avoid kernel panic you can see your computer specifications of hardware to be installed and not just install new memory with any frequency clock for example;
  • For system kernel panic you must keep your system up-to-date;


Linux is a good system there are things that even Linux distros can’t avoid which is a system or hardware failure.  Even with that happening at least we can see what is the cause of the failure but, as it was said before the logs for kernel panic is more understandable by expert users.
