Ubuntu 17.10 Codename Released "Artful Aardvark"
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Recently Ubuntu has been the talk of the town due to Mark Shuttleworth’s announcement on discontinuation of Unity 8 development. But the release of Ubuntu 17.04 also fills some gap of that talk shows. Now there is another news coming from Ubuntu which is the release of codename of its upcoming Ubuntu version, i.e. Ubuntu 17.10. It’s Artful Aardvark! Yes. Artful Aardvark. But what does it mean? Let’s find out.
Ubuntu 17.10 Codename ‘Artful Aardvark’
The codename of Ubuntu 17.10 was released yesterday on Launchpad. And recently a LinuxAndUbuntu reader asked a very interesting question “What after Zesty?” referring the selection of each distro in alphabetical order, he asked what would be the name of Ubuntu 17.10 after “Z”. So it’s “A” back again. Artful Aardvark.
What does it mean by “Artful Aardvark”?
So what does it mean by “Artful Aardvark? The first word Artful is an adjective which means clever or skillful, especially in a crafty or cunning way. And Aardvark is an African mammal that has long ears. Here is the Wikipedia page on Aardvark and a picture of the mammal.

Aardvark looking for some tasty and crunchy ants and termites (picture credit – wildkratts) Usually we get this type of announcement from Mark shuttleworth blog but it’s exception this time. This time launchpad page has been created that mentions “Artful Aardvark”. And Artful archive/repository has also been created that shows the development of Ubuntu 17.10 has started.
Do you like the name “Artful Aardvark”?
All Artful Aardvark related stories will be covered in the Artful category on LinuxAndUbuntu
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