Unity8.org To Fork Unity8 Asking What Name Should Unity8 Fork Have

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

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Unity8.org To Fork Unity8 Asking What Name Should Unity8 Fork Have

As Mark Shuttleworth announced the discontinuation of Unity8 project, unity users have started asking many questions. One of the questions is ‘Is unity dead?’. We have seen so many projects discontinued and then after sometime somebody else from the community takes the charge and continue the development. The same is going to happen with Unity. Somebody has decided to develop Unity8 fork and looking for a name.

Unity8 fork project to start off?

Here you go! Like what happnened in crunchbang case, after the project was discontinued, we now have crunchbang++. Today, I found on Linux subreddit that somebody has decided to create unity8 fork. And they are not joking. They have launched a very simple website, unity8.org and have launched a poll seeking for the right name of the project.
unity8 name poll

On their website, they have provided unity8org’s code repository. They also appeal to help the development in any way one can. So if you’re looking to help them build this unity8 fork, you can join the developers mailing list here.

What should be the name of project? Take poll

There are couple of names that you can vote in the project. And they’re as visible above in the screenshot. I voted for Unity and Unity 8. I like both of these names.

We will follow them and will bring whatever they annouce

From my side, best of luck for the unity8.org admin and the team. I hope that you guys can take this project further. And believe me, a lot of people will join you. I’ll follow you and will cover the news of Unity8.org.