NATO Puts Response Force on Stand-by After Russia's Aggressive Invasion of Ukraine Paid Members Public
As Russia moves aggressively on its objective to invade Ukraine, other countries, especially Sweden and Finland, are concerned. NATO’s reaction force has been launched for the first time in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. To protect its partners, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Tod Wolters ordered the

Russian State Media Banned from Running Ads or Monetizing on Facebook Paid Members Public
It is difficult to ignore the news that will eventually or has already affected our lives. Several countries have imposed sanctions on Russia since the Russians started invading Ukraine. Sanctions affecting Russian banks, military exports, and oil refining. Meta Bans Russian State media from Ads or monetizing on its platform

How to Install PHP 8 on Debian: A Step-by-Step Guide Paid Members Public
PHP is the most widely used programming language on the web. PHP 7 was released with a slew of new features and performance enhancements, and its successor, PHP 8, is even better. PHP 8.1.x is the most recent PHP build, released earlier this year. If you are starting

Kasm Workspaces - Stream Docker Containers Easily & Quickly Paid Members Public
Kasm Workspaces is an intriguing platform for security and development aficionados. It is accessible by web browser and allows users to deploy container apps, including full-fledged Ubuntu desktops. In our daily lives, we must deal with a wide range of challenges that arise in our workplace. As an independent developer,

[Fixed] add user to sudoers file Paid Members Public
In this article, we will fix a common error that new Linux users encounter username is not in sudoers file. The problem is related to user permissions and can be simply resolved with a single command to add user to sudoers file. If you have recently created a new user

[Fixed] How to Fix "bash: sudo: command not found" Error Paid Members Public
sudo, Linux’s most useful command, is occasionally missing from several Linux distributions, most notably docker containers and lightweight Linux distributions. sudo is a command that allows users to run commands with root access. It is the most helpful command included in almost all major Linux distributions. Yes almost all.

[Fixed] Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server Paid Members Public
Application developers may encounter difficulties connecting to a database hosted on a server other than the local server. In this article, we will resolve a common error that occurs when connecting to a MySQL database remotely from outside the network or from another host. SQLSTATE[HY000] [1130] Host '172.

Desktop Environment Vs. Window Manager Paid Members Public
Every new Linux user is likely to run across the question of what the difference is between a desktop environment and a window manager at some point in their learning process. I’ve been asked this question several times, and the answer isn’t always simple. It depends on the