Critical vulnerabilities in Quiz And Survey Master WordPress Plugin Paid Members Public
Quiz and Survey Master is a WordPress plugin for creating quizzes and surveys easily on WordPress sites. It is installed on over 30,000+ websites. Recently WordFence‘s Chloe Chamberland discovered two critical vulnerabilities in Quiz and Survey Master plugin version 7.0. VulnerabilityDanger levelExploitationArbitrary file uploadCriticalEasy to exploitArbitrary file

Pros & Cons of WordPress Plugins Auto-updates Paid Members Public
WordPress released a major update yesterday with some big changes. One of the features is the ability to apply all the plugins and themes updates automatically. Earlier plugins updates could be automatically applied with the help of additional plugins. One popular plugin is Jetpack that can apply available updates automatically.

WordPress 5.5 Arrived With These Awesome Features Paid Members Public
WordPress 5.5 is finally out. The content management system that powers most of the web has received a major update. If you are using WordPress or plan to host a website, you should check this out. As I said WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. With

[Fixed] How to Fix "lsb_release command not found" Error in Linux Paid Members Public
lsb_release is an important command for bash scriptwriters. It lets the user know about the currently installed Linux distribution, the specific version, and the codename. Yesterday I was trying to set up a Raspberry pi web server for my client and found out the script I was running to

LibreOffice 7 Released Paid Members Public
LibreOffice is the best open-source alternative to Microsoft Office. It is available for all major platforms and the document foundation releases frequent updates. With the new major update LibreOffice 7, it has got some nice features and performance improvements. LibreOffice is an office suite developed by the document foundation. The

Vesta Control Panel - Simple Yet Powerful Control Panel For Linux Paid Members Public
cPanel web hosting is easier to set up and manage. Users unfamiliar with Linux servers can easily maintain servers using cPanel, a GUI control panel for web servers. Buying shared hosting or managed web hosting can provide users a control panel. But both types of hostings have their own advantages

How To Install Docker On Ubuntu Paid Members Public
Docker containers contain the application and all its dependencies to be run in isolation like virtual machines. But Docker containers isolate the operating system instead of the hardware. Unlike virtual machines, docker containers also use the host’s kernel, making the containers more portable and lighter. If you use Ubuntu

aaPanel - An Open Source Alternative For cPanel Paid Members Public
cPanel is the control panel for web hosting built by cPanel LTD. In the last article of the Linux cPanel series, I reviewed Virtualmin, a popular, free, and open-source control panel. aaPanel is also a free and open-source control panel for Linux. It’s easy to install & all the