Error establishing a database connection

Fixed "Error establishing a database connection" Wordpress error Members Public

WordPress 5.2 has just come out with several improvements and new features. One of the features is detecting website errors and notifying the admin by sending an automated email. This feature is handy and solves issues that otherwise were very difficult to notice for admins. But there are a

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Using grove sensors with Raspberry Pi

Grove Sensors For Raspberry Pi Members Public

Raspberry Pi is a great invention that ever happened. We can use the little $35 computer to build from a cam kit to the future of kids in rural India. To learn more about what this little device can do or has done, read this article I wrote a while

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Zorin OS 15 Lite

Zorin OS 15 Lite - The Best Replacement For Windows 7 Members Public

Zorin OS 15 was released in September with several new features and improvements. Yesterday Zorin team released Zorin OS 15 lite. The lite version is for the revival of old computers. The distro keeps getting new features in each update, but this time the work done in making the XFCE

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
wp maintenance csrf vulnerability

WP Maintenance Plugin Vulnerable To CSRF & XSS Members Public

If you have installed the WP Maintenance plugin on your WordPress site or blog, this article is for you. Recently, the Wordfence team discovered a CSRF vulnerability in the WP Maintenance plugin used to put the website on maintenance mode during maintenance. The plugin allows webmasters to customize the maintenance

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Migrate WordPress Blog to new server

Migrate WordPress Blog To New Hosting - Easy Ways Members Public

WordPress is the easiest to use & most feature-rich CMS for building an awesome website. WordPress uses a bit higher system resources than other CMS available in the market for doing such complex tasks easily. Sometimes users deploy their WordPress blog on a budgeted host. Initially, everything works well, but

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
kde neon information

KDE Plasma 5.17 Released Members Public

KDE plasma is one of the most featured-rich and beautiful Linux desktop environments. It is also the most customizable desktop environment that I have ever used. Recently, it received a new update Plasma 5.17 with a number of new features and improvements. Plasma is the desktop environment for people

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
fedora desktop

Fedora 31 Released Members Public

Fedora 31 is officially here. Fedora is known to provide the cutting-edge open-source software in its every release. The foundation continues to follow the same. Let’s see what’s new and improved in this new release since its last predecessor. What’s New In Fedora 31 As I stated

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Tails 4.0 released

Tails 4.0 Released Members Public

Tails is one of the best security-centric Linux distributions. Tails team has released its first version based on Debian 10 “buster”. This released has been packed with a bunch of security fixes, new features, performance improvements, and the latest applications. What’s New In Tails 4.0 Security Fixes First

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions