Control Raspberry Pi & IOT Devices From Cloud Using Cloud4RPi Paid Members Public
Raspberry Pi is one of the best inventions of our times. We can use this low-cost device to make something really cool and useful. In this article, I will show you how you can control your Raspberry Pi and send instructions to the devices connected to your RPi from anywhere

How To Install & Setup Nagios Core On Raspberry PI Paid Members Public
Have you ever thought about how some of the World’s biggest companies monitor hundreds of devices? If not, then do it now because, in this tutorial, I am going to introduce you to Nagios. Nagios is a monitoring solution that can monitor a few devices in your house or

Create New MySQL User With Password And Grant Permissions Paid Members Public
MySQL databases handle all the data for websites and apps. Security is of extreme importance when it comes to handling data. So far we have been using the root user for everything. But in real websites, the root user is never used as it has access to all databases. This

Number Systems Used In Computing Paid Members Public
What are the numbers? Are they some physical entity? Some phenomena? No, they are just objects used for measuring a quantity. You must already be aware of the decimal number system that we use. It has the digits from 0-9(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

Shoot Spaceships In Another Classic Arcade Hyperspace Drifter Paid Members Public
Hyperspace Drifter is a classic arcade space shooter game. The game features beautiful 3D-like environment settings and cool flat-like spaceship art. It is lightweight too so the game does not require much computing resources unless you are playing it in maximized window mode. Installation Hyperspace Drifter is available on itch.

While Loop, Break & Continue - Python Programming Paid Members Public
Looping is one of the most important core concepts when learning to program. I often see a lot of people get confused with looping. So let us quickly have a look at how loops work. There are various types of loops like the while, do while and for loops. However,

What Is Server Side Rendering? Is It Still Useful? Paid Members Public
The past few years have seen a hoard of new JavaScript frameworks taking over web development. Skills with Single Page Applications and Progressive Web Apps are the new things that every new developer wants on their resume. Most of the web services are migrating towards Client Side Rendering with JavaScript

UberWriter Markdown Text Editor For GNOME Paid Members Public
UberWriter is a markdown text editor for GNOME. The app works with other desktop environments too since it is available only on flathub repository. All you have to do is install the app on your KDE, Cinnamon desktop while flatpak takes care of all the required dependencies to run UberWriter.