Install Kali Linux – The Quickest Way

Install Kali Linux (VirtualBox) - The Quickest Way Members Public

Welcome to the first part of our series Hacking with Kali Linux. In this article, we’ll learn how to install Kali Linux on various devices including, Virtualbox on Kali Linux and Android. Kali Linux is the complete package for pen-testers. It’s free and open-source so you can just

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Hacking with Kali Linux
harvey flatpak app

Harvey Available As Flatpak App Members Public

Harvey, a color conformance app for keeping accessibility in mind when designing websites, has been released as flatpak app recently. I’ve tried the app and found it to be simple but effective. What is Harvey? The app’s download page on flathub claims it’s what Gotham needs right

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
game 1

Basingstoke: An Apocalyptic Survival Alien Invasion Game Members Public

Basingstoke is an apocalyptic alien invasion survival game available on itch. The game is free for Linux users. I’ve played the game for a week or two and found it to too addictive, however, your opinion may vary. Basingstoke gameplay is about surviving the alien invasion by collecting and

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Hacking With Kali Linux

Ethical Hacking With Kali Linux Members Public

Today I am going to start a very interesting series of topics, Hacking with Kali Linux. In this series, I will start from the basics of hacking with Kali Linux and go advance. I will not beat around the bush or discuss crap that’s spammed all around the internet

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Hacking with Kali Linux
color picker snap for linux

Color Picker Snap For Linux Members Public

Color picker is another cool flatpak app, for developers and UI designers that need to experiment with colors. Most development software comes with their own color palette tool but some lack it. So this app is one way to generate customized color for your project during the development process. Install

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux tools
ubuntu 19.04 released

What’s New In Ubuntu 19.04 “Disco Dingo” Members Public

After 6 months of development, Ubuntu 19.04 is released. As always it was exciting to wait for the new Ubuntu release with new features. In this article, I am going to walk you through what’s new in Ubuntu 19.04 codenamed, “Disco Dingo”. So keep reading! Ubuntu 19.

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
game 1

Create Games With Godot Game Engine Members Public

Are you considering creating a game in your free spare time or as a full-time game developer? You should check out Godot if you want a FOSS game engine on your Linux machine. There are tons of open source game engines and of course including those proprietary ones that most

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
GSConnect Integrate Android Phone With Linux Computer

GSConnect Integrate Android Phone With Linux Computer Members Public

GSConnect is the complete reimplementation of KDE Connect for GNOME desktop environment. KDE Connect is a cool application for integrating your Android phone with a Linux desktop computer. The app allows you to control, share files, read notifications, etc between the two devices. For instance, you can read Android notifications

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials