
debian 9 Complete Screenshot Tour

Debian 9 Complete Screenshot Tour Members Public

The world’s most stable upstream Linux distro has just announced a point upgrade on its latest Debian 9 Stretch release. The latest version is 9.3, it comes with many corrections and improvements on the security front as well as some adjustments to cater to some other serious issues.

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

LinuxAndUbuntu Distro Review Of The Week Debian Linux 8.7 (Jessie) Members Public

I have always been a Ubuntu guy. I use Ubuntu or some other derivatives like Mint or elementary but never have I tried Debian. Well not anymore. I tested Debian and I must say I really like it. The thing with Debian is that stability is prioritized over all other

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail