Linux Distributions

Septor Linux For Surfing Internet Anonymously Paid Members Public
I have written an article covering privacy-centric Linux distros. Today I used Septor Linux, a distro designed to surf the Internet anonymously. I would have extended the list to the 6 best privacy-centric Linux distro if I had used it earlier. As I said above that there are already Linux

Kali Linux Released For Raspberry Pi Paid Members Public
Last month, June Raspberry Pi foundation released RPi 4 with more memory options and useful features. Recently Kali Linux announced the release of its Kali Linux images for Raspberry Pi. Recently, Kali Linux tweeted the news of releasing the pentesting distro for RPi and got a good response from its

Endeavour OS - Ready To Be Released Paid Members Public
One of our favorite Arch-based Linux distros, Antergos, was discontinued recently. All those using Antergos are another distro ready to take place as a user-friendly Arch Linux distro, EndeavourOS. * * * * * * * * EndeavourOS promises to provide an easier way to install and use Arch Linux, just as Antergos did. Their commitment is to

Reasons Why I Recommend Using Debian Linux Paid Members Public
I have been using Debian for more than 3 years and the truth is that I am more than satisfied. At the moment I do not consider changing distribution basically for the following reasons: YOUR REPOSITORIES ARE EXCELLENT Debian has some exceptional software repositories for the following reasons: 1. The

47 GNU/Linux Distributions For Your Desktop, Old Computer, Hobbies Or Raspberry Pi Paid Members Public
The world of GNU/Linux distributions is a world full of open source and mostly free operating systems, all of them based on the same core. If you are thinking about giving some of them a chance, here are 47 GNU / Linux distributions series so you can find the one

How To Install Kali Linux Paid Members Public
When it comes to penetration testing, hacking and offensive distros, one of the first to be mentioned is Kali Linux. It is based on Debian and is available in 32-bit and 64-bit editions. Today we take a look at installing Kali Linux. We will look at using the entire disk

Is New Ubuntu 18.10 Worth Installing? Paid Members Public
The new Ubuntu release “Cosmic Cuttlefish” has hit the OS market after 6 months of development. I’ve been using it since it came out and now here is what I have to say about it. In this article, I’ll talk about the new things it brings in and

Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish New Features Paid Members Public
Ubuntu 18.10 which is codenamed as Cosmic Cuttlefish is around the corner, is planned to be released next month on 18th October 2018. You will be able to download this release from the official website as well as upgrade it manually from previous releases. This time there is no