Linux Distributions

Top 10 Unix Based Operating Systems Paid Members Public
The UNIX operating system was created more than four decades ago at AT&T’s Bell Laboratories. With continuous development since its inception, UNIX has made its presence from tiny embedded devices to servers and supercomputers. This article provides a brief history, philosophy, specification of UNIX and discusses the

Ubuntu 18.04 Vs. Fedora 28 Paid Members Public
Hello folks. Today I’ll highlight some of the features and differences between the two popular Linux distros; Ubuntu 18.04 and Fedora 28. Each has its own package management; Ubuntu uses DEB while Fedora uses RPM, but both of them feature the same Desktop Environment (GNOME) and aims to

Linux Mint 19 "Tara" More Powerful And Stable Paid Members Public
Linux Mint is popular with many users as a Windows alternative because the distribution is so down to earth. The creators calmly present meaningful novelties of Linux Mint 19 “Tara”, which help in everyday life, such as a timeshift function and auto-updates. Ubuntu is probably the most popular Linux variant,

DistroWatch The Best Website For Distro Hoppers Paid Members Public
DistroWatch is a well-known website in the open-source community as a dedicated place to get up-to-date information predominantly about open-source operating systems. This article will cover details about what the DistroWatch website offers to open source community including its much-hyped ranking system for Linux distros. The DistroWatch – what does it

Bliss OS An Android Based OS Complete Review Paid Members Public
Bliss OS is another effort to bring Android experience (and is based on Android too) to the computing market covering all spectrums from smart-phones to computers. That means you can expect a smooth experience even if you switch from your smart-phone to your laptop or your desktop computer. Android is

Best Linux Distros to Try in 2023 Paid Members Public
This article helps you learn about some key features of Linux operating systems so that you are able to choose Linux for your environment. The year 2023 is a crucial year for Linux especially in the high-level segment of the company and home users. In this article, we’re going

Starting Up With Xubuntu Paid Members Public
Hello newbies, welcome to the world of Ubuntu [oh wait there…] Xubuntu! So what’s fancy about this distro. Well, I say, lightweight, then, in turn, lights up this tiny bulb in your brain faster computing speed, resource-saving and … (you guess what’s more). Xubuntu is a variant of Ubuntu
Zorin OS For Linux Newbies Paid Members Public
Zorin OS is another Linux distro for general use purposes as well as for deploying in business workplaces. It is a great free alternative operating system (OS) for Windows users seeking to try out Linux for the first time. Zorin OS provides, by default, the look and feel of MS