Linux Distributions
Top Alternative Linux Distributions To Windows XP Paid Members Public
After recent Wanna Cry ransomware attack, people are now awakening that they should leave Windows XP and should upgrade their OS. But the problem with them is that they cannot afford a heavy OS like windows 10 nor they can afford to pay a large sum of green cash for
Damn Small Linux A Lightweight Linux Distro For Old Computers Paid Members Public
By the name yes it’s really small and lightweight (had to utter this word too “damn!”). Damn Small Linux is a distro that offers a GUI based OS for low resource systems and some applications for normal users task-alike. It’s designed with the intention to pack all the
System76 Launches Their Own Linux Distribution Called Pop!_OS Paid Members Public
It is a new day and a new Linux distro pops out. And the new(old) question remains, DO WE NEED ANOTHER LINUX DISTRO? For the most part, the answer is going to be a very big NO! But for this latest distro on the block, I believe it is
DEFT Linux A Linux Distribution For Computer Forensics Paid Members Public
DEFT is a household name when it comes to digital forensics and intelligence activities since its first release way back in 2005. The Linux distribution DEFT is made up of a GNU/Linux and DART(Digital Advanced Response Toolkit), a suite dedicated to digital forensics and intelligence activities. DEFT is

Peppermint 8 Released Paid Members Public
It has been quite long since I covered Peppermint in any of my articles. But that does not mean I don’t love it. I fell in love with this distro when I used it for the first time(Peppermint OS 6). Peppermint presents ‘Ice’, a web application management tool

LinuxAndUbuntu Distro Review Of The Week - Deepin OS Paid Members Public
Deepin OS is not just another Linux Distro, but one with something new to show. Deepin OS is simply speaking, just beautiful. Deepin OS, formerly known as Deepin, Linux Deepin, and Hiweed GNU/Linux is a Linux distro with an identity crisis. Seriously, this distro has undergone name changes you
LinuxAndUbuntu Distro Review Of The Week Bodhi Linux Paid Members Public
Bodhi Linux is essentially one of those distributions which try to bring your old PC back to life but at the same time, tries to make it look like it is still keeping up with the latest trends in Design and Interface. And with every new release, its community is

Best Lightweight Linux Distros in 2023 Paid Members Public
Hey friends! Today I am going to discuss the top lightweight Linux distros you can try this year on your computer. Although you got yourself a pretty Linux distro already, there is always something new to try in Linux. Remember I recommend trying this distro in VirtualBox first or with