
game 1

Midnightmare Teddy - A Shooter Game For Linux Members Public

Another game review today. It’s Midnightmare Teddy! Available on flathub for all versions of Linux is a casual lightweight shooter game for kids and families. The game is cute and centers around a teddy who might be having a nightmare dreaming. You must help teddy get rid of all

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
game 1

Basingstoke: An Apocalyptic Survival Alien Invasion Game Members Public

Basingstoke is an apocalyptic alien invasion survival game available on itch. The game is free for Linux users. I’ve played the game for a week or two and found it to too addictive, however, your opinion may vary. Basingstoke gameplay is about surviving the alien invasion by collecting and

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
game 1

Create Games With Godot Game Engine Members Public

Are you considering creating a game in your free spare time or as a full-time game developer? You should check out Godot if you want a FOSS game engine on your Linux machine. There are tons of open source game engines and of course including those proprietary ones that most

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
game 1

Gamehub - Shows Games From Different Sources Members Public

We’ve recently seen the spike in Linux games, many popular gaming platforms have focused on Linux gaming. Last year Steam released Steam Play to play Windows games on Linux. Awesome! The list is growing fast so Linux gamers need Gamehub, an app allows to install, run, uninstall games from

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
itch gaming platform indie

itch A Gaming Platform For Indie Games Lovers Members Public

itch is another gaming platform that is similar to Steam and is available for multiple operating systems including Linux. This platform provides users with the latest indie games instead of AAA games. If you are open to creativity and likes playing/trying out different games, I guarantee you’ll love

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
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Mounting And Optimizing A Linux Gamer Computer Members Public

We have had a lot of news about games in the Linux world coming out in recent weeks. We already have an interesting performance for games like Grand Theft Auto V,  and the trend is for the compatibility level to improve every day, with Valve’s recent announcement of Proton

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Ravenfield A Single Player 3D Shooting Game

Ravenfield A Single-Player 3D Shooting Game Members Public

Ravenfield is a single-player 3D shooting game available on and steam. The game is still in beta so it looks like a “prototype” i.e., not complete, still yet it’s completely playable and fun at the same time. I’ve tried the game and discovered it to

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
TrackMania Nations Forever Available As A Snap Application

TrackMania Nations Forever Available As A Snap Application Members Public

Good news for penguin users, TrackMania Nations Forever has been released on edge channel as a snap package this information came first on forum site. Most of Linux users never heard about Track Mania, because it is only available for Windows, Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation 4 e Xbox

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail