Linux Tutorials

Install Dropbox To Share Files Between Linux And Windows Paid Members Public
Today we will see how to install Dropbox to be able to use it without any type of problem in dual boot systems. There are many users who have a dual boot with windows and one of the many existing Linux distros. To be able to access Dropbox content in

How To Automatically Change GNOME Background In Intervals Using BASH Paid Members Public
Have you ever wanted to have that automatic background switching the feature on your GNOME Linux distro? I missed that feature after I switched from Cinnamon to GNOME 🙁 Searched for apps in the software center and alas there is none that I could find. However, today Iâm happy to

Shortcuts For Navigating Terminal History Paid Members Public
Today I’ll highlight some tips and tricks on how to get more proficient on a terminal program. You must have at least once typed in a long command on your terminal program and then forget it the next day. Navigating terminal history commands come in handy in such a

How to Create Shortcuts in Linux: A Beginner's Guide Paid Members Public
Linux is a powerful operating system used by millions of people worldwide. It is renowned for its flexibility, customizability, and vast features, making it the go-to choice for developers and power users. One of the most valuable features is to create shortcuts in Linux, which can help you save time

3 Ways To Install Arch Linux Paid Members Public
Maybe today is the day you’ve decided to take the step. You have enough time in GNU/Linux, enjoying the usability provided by some of the most famous, user-friendly distributions. And you think you do not have enough, that you want more. Greater control over what you install or

Connecting To A Proxy Server - Part 2 Paid Members Public
Previously, We have seen what a proxy server is, it’s advantages and some web that tells you about your connection. However, you must be clear that proxy and VPN are not the same and that a proxy server does hide your IP but does not eliminate more identifying data.

Connecting To A Proxy Server - Part 1 Paid Members Public
In this series, we will detail how to connect to a proxy web server in order to be able to browse anonymously. This series is related to the post on how to connect to a VPN that Mohd Sohail wrote in the past and you can read that here. In

Snap Application Permissions Paid Members Public
We have already written about snaps and its advantages against other packaging application system. If we compare RPM and DEB packages to snaps we can see on snaps automatic background updates allowing up-to-date applications, with bugs fixes more frequently. A snap app is packaged with all dependencies making the application