Linux Tutorials

How to Install Eclipse on Ubuntu Paid Members Public
Eclipse is an open-source integrated development environment (IDE) widely used for Java development. It is one of the most popular IDEs for Java developers due to its rich features and plugins. Eclipse is also used to develop programming languages like Python, C++, and PHP. In this article, we will get

How to Install AppImage on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Guide Paid Members Public
The majority of Linux users have no issues installing or removing applications. Every distro you use will have a package manager that can handle anything. But as the Linux community grows, developers try to keep things even more straightforward and stable for end-users and developers. * One file equals One app

Copy files & directories in Linux Paid Members Public
In Linux, we copy files as we do in any other operating system available today. We open up a file manager, select a file to copy, and paste it anywhere we want. But what if you want or need to copy files or directories in Linux through the command line

[Fixed] Kali Linux Stuck At Black Screen On Boot Paid Members Public
Kali Linux is the best Linux distribution for penetration testing. It has almost every tool you need to test your system against hundreds of vulnerabilities. Recently, I saw a few questions floating around the internet about Kali Linux not being able to boot correctly. To run into the problem, I

Control Raspberry Pi & IOT Devices From Cloud Using Cloud4RPi Paid Members Public
Raspberry Pi is one of the best inventions of our times. We can use this low-cost device to make something really cool and useful. In this article, I will show you how you can control your Raspberry Pi and send instructions to the devices connected to your RPi from anywhere

How To Install & Setup Nagios Core On Raspberry PI Paid Members Public
Have you ever thought about how some of the World’s biggest companies monitor hundreds of devices? If not, then do it now because, in this tutorial, I am going to introduce you to Nagios. Nagios is a monitoring solution that can monitor a few devices in your house or

What Is Server Side Rendering? Is It Still Useful? Paid Members Public
The past few years have seen a hoard of new JavaScript frameworks taking over web development. Skills with Single Page Applications and Progressive Web Apps are the new things that every new developer wants on their resume. Most of the web services are migrating towards Client Side Rendering with JavaScript

GSConnect Integrate Android Phone With Linux Computer Paid Members Public
GSConnect is the complete reimplementation of KDE Connect for GNOME desktop environment. KDE Connect is a cool application for integrating your Android phone with a Linux desktop computer. The app allows you to control, share files, read notifications, etc between the two devices. For instance, you can read Android notifications