
Python Programming For Loop

For Loop - Python Programming Members Public

We have already discussed the while loop in our previous article. In this article, we will be covering the for loop. The for loop is one of the most widely used loops in programming. As you begin writing real code, you will find that you will almost always use for

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Python
raspberry pi series featured image

Control Raspberry Pi & IOT Devices From Cloud Using Cloud4RPi Members Public

Raspberry Pi is one of the best inventions of our times. We can use this low-cost device to make something really cool and useful. In this article, I will show you how you can control your Raspberry Pi and send instructions to the devices connected to your RPi from anywhere

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
kali linux featured image

How To Install Kali Linux In Android Phone Members Public

Thanks to the Linux deployment team now the great wall separating android users from kali has weakened and fallen. It has been a long journey integrating Linux system on advanced RISC machine devices. It started with Ubuntu and now we have a Kali version that can run on your android

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
20 best themes for ubuntu in 2019

Material Design Inspired Paper Theme For Ubuntu Members Public

Paper is a material design inspired modern desktop theme suit. Designed by Sam Hewitt, the paper theme provides clear desktop GUI experience with flat icons accompanied by light shadows. The menu lists, options, etc resembles the design that we have seen in vanilla android Lollipop and Marshmallow. Paper theme desktop

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
how to install and use veracrypt

How To Install & Use VeraCrypt In Linux An Alternative To TrueCrypt [COMPLETE TUTORIAL] Members Public

VeraCrypt is a free, open source and cross-platform data encryption tool. It’s an alternative to TrueCrypt(project discontinued), the popular encryption tool for all Operating systems. VeraCrypt is easy to use the tool. In this article, I will walk you through the complete process of installing & using VeraCrypt

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials