
Debian 10 'Buster' Released After 2 Years Development Paid Members Public
Debian is one of the most important Linux distributions for the Linux community. Most popular Linux distros are based on Debian, including Ubuntu that most of us use. Debian team has released the most awaited release — Debian 10 “Buster”. It came up after 25 months of development. Because of such

Endeavour OS - Ready To Be Released Paid Members Public
One of our favorite Arch-based Linux distros, Antergos, was discontinued recently. All those using Antergos are another distro ready to take place as a user-friendly Arch Linux distro, EndeavourOS. * * * * * * * * EndeavourOS promises to provide an easier way to install and use Arch Linux, just as Antergos did. Their commitment is to

Race Stupid With AI In MayHemCars Paid Members Public
Hello, Linux gamers! Today, I’ll be covering a car racing game called MayHemCars. The game is unique and hilarious too. Instead of trying to win, the other racers bump and crash on each other. You better watch out, or they’ll try to ram you off the tracks too.

Steam To Drop Support For Ubuntu 19.10 Paid Members Public
Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution and that’s why it gets the attention of big companies like steam to design software for it. But recently, Linux community is kind of unhappy over Canonical decision on dropping Ubuntu 32-bit packages. The community already discussed that in case Ubuntu drops

Raspberry Pi 4 Is Here - Buy Now Paid Members Public
Raspberry Pi 4 was released today with amazing new features and upgrades. Let us find out what is new and how we can buy Raspberry Pi 4 right now. Raspberry Pi Series We have written a series on Raspberry Pi. So if you want to read in detail about Raspberry

Number Systems Used In Computing Paid Members Public
What are the numbers? Are they some physical entity? Some phenomena? No, they are just objects used for measuring a quantity. You must already be aware of the decimal number system that we use. It has the digits from 0-9(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

Shoot Spaceships In Another Classic Arcade Hyperspace Drifter Paid Members Public
Hyperspace Drifter is a classic arcade space shooter game. The game features beautiful 3D-like environment settings and cool flat-like spaceship art. It is lightweight too so the game does not require much computing resources unless you are playing it in maximized window mode. Installation Hyperspace Drifter is available on itch.

Timetable Scheduler App For Linux Paid Members Public
Timetable is a scheduling app available on flathub repositories. The app is maintained by the Elementary OS team and thus it’s User Interface looks like its own native OS. Might look a bit out of place on GNOME, KDE, Cinnamon, etc but still yet the app works like a