
libreoffice tab layout

New Tabbed Layout Coming On LibreOffice v6.2 Members Public

LibreOffice, the most popular open-source office suite program is set to feature a new look and feel in the coming v6.2 release, called the tabbed layout. As of now, the current stable version is in v6.1.4 and its default look currently mimics the traditional menu-based GUI and

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
itch gaming platform indie

itch A Gaming Platform For Indie Games Lovers Members Public

itch is another gaming platform that is similar to Steam and is available for multiple operating systems including Linux. This platform provides users with the latest indie games instead of AAA games. If you are open to creativity and likes playing/trying out different games, I guarantee you’ll love

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
debian enters beta

Debian Enters Freeze State For Buster Release Members Public

Debian testing enters freeze state for the release of the next Debian stable version called Buster. The current stable version of Debian is Stretch which is versioned 9. So you can correctly guess Buster version is gonna be the number 10. If you aren’t a Debian testing user, worry

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Debian Popularity Contest Program

Debian Popularity-Contest Program To Collect System Packages Data Members Public

In the following article, we will see how we can provide data on the use of our .deb packages to the Debian team through popularity-contest. Obviously, the fact of providing the data of the packages that we use the most will be optional and totally anonymous. WHAT CAN BE USEFUL

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
GNOME Pomodoro v0.14.0 1 released

GNOME Pomodoro New Features Members Public

GNOME Pomodoro is a time and focus management app which improves productivity and quality of work by balancing between work and rest time. If you want to learn more about this app, click here to read the article about it in detail. A new updated version of GNOME Pomodoro is

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
PHP 5.x Security Support Ends In December 2018 Puts 60 Websites On Risk

PHP 5.x Security Support Ends In December 2018 Puts 60%+ Websites On Risk Members Public

Basically, in 10 weeks we will have more than half of the websites exposed to potential security problems if after the new year there is a vulnerability in PHP 5.x.According to statistics from W3Techs, 61.7% of all websites whose server-side programming language we know, currently use PHP

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
how red hat became million dollars company

Red Hat - How An Open Source Software Company Became 34 Billion Dollars Company Members Public

In a historic milestone, Red Hat, the company that triumphed with Linux and open source has been acquired by IBM for 34,000 million dollars, the largest transaction in history for a software company. In its 25 years of history, Red Hat has been in charge of demonstrating that betting

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
What Is Tor Is Tor Safe

What Is Tor? Is Tor Safe? Members Public

In this time where everybody is attempting to ensure their information and protection, we hear a considerable measure about the TOR network. Some sing acclaim while others think of it as an apparatus for crooks.  In this article, we give you the working standards of TOR by portraying likewise its

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials