
How Linux Logo Tux Came About

How Linux Logo "Tux" Came About Members Public

Linux is a very popular topic among computer geeks, especially FOSS enthusiast. It is a kernel that manages the computer hardware at the lowest level. Many associates Linux as another popular Operating System like Microsoft Windows and OS X. It is invented by a Finnish computer science student Linus Torvalds

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish New Features

Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish New Features Members Public

Ubuntu 18.10 which is codenamed as Cosmic Cuttlefish is around the corner, is planned to be released next month on 18th October 2018. You will be able to download this release from the official website as well as upgrade it manually from previous releases. This time there is no

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions
KDE Neon Arrives For Pinebook

KDE Neon Arrives For Pinebook Members Public

KDE developers have announced the release of a dedicated version of KDE Neon for the Pinebook, ARM architecture-based laptops that came out last year with some fanfare due to its tight price: $89.   Now there is more than one Pinebook model and none costs $89, all are over $100 including

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Steam Play Provides Windows Games On Linux

Steam Play (Official) Provides Windows Games On Linux Members Public

We knew that Valve was working on something like this, offering the possibility that Steam Linux users could play video games that have not been officially ported to the platform, that is, the majority of games available for Windows.   But now not only has the existence of such a tool

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
25 years of debian

Reasons Why Debian Is Crucial To Linux History Members Public

That August 16, 1993, a young Ian Murdock announced on Usenet “the imminent completion of a new version of Linux which I will call Debian Linux Release.”   Murdock, of course, had no idea that Debian would end up becoming an institution in the Linux world. This distribution, mother of many

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Mint 19 “Tara” More Powerful And Stable

Linux Mint 19 "Tara" More Powerful And Stable Members Public

Linux Mint is popular with many users as a Windows alternative because the distribution is so down to earth. The creators calmly present meaningful novelties of Linux Mint 19 “Tara”, which help in everyday life, such as a timeshift function and auto-updates. Ubuntu is probably the most popular Linux variant,

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions
suse linux sold to eqt

SUSE Is Sold To EQT For $2.5 Billion Members Public

SUSE, the company behind the popular Linux distribution, OpenSUSE is going to be acquired for by EQT from Micro Focus for $2.535 billion.  SLES, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is the main Linux distribution from SUSE available for physical, virtual and cloud. OpenSUSE is an open source Linux distribution and

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
endless os review

Endless OS Launches New Major Version For Users Who Have Less Internet Access Members Public

The developers of Endless OS have just announced the release of version 3.4 of the distribution, it is a major update and it focuses mainly on helping users to take advantage of their Internet connection when they suppose to have it. Endless OS is a distribution oriented mainly to

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail