
Microsoft's New Operating System Based On Linux Paid Members Public
I will start by saying that bash in Windows 10 was just the beginning and that Linux is basically an integral part of the Microsoft system. But that much-talked-about and even somewhat surprising love of Microsoft to Linux has taken an even bigger step this time: a new OS. Microsoft

WebCatalog Allows You To Run Webapps From The Desktop In Linux Paid Members Public
WebCatalog is a cross-platform application designed to transfer different webapps to the desktop. The idea is not something new or has not been done before, there is Mozilla Prism to testify that it has been trying to do something like that since 2009. Now, the software we are dealing with

Spotify For Linux Paid Members Public
By a long shot, Spotify is the best music streaming service. You can use it on your Android phone, your web browser, or your Windows or Mac computer. It is also available for Linux desktop use (sort of). Spotify snap now available to download Spotify team released snap package for

What Is GitLab & Why Do So Many People Flee To It After The Purchase Of GitHub By Microsoft? Paid Members Public
It already a fact, according to Bloomberg, Microsoft would have bought GitHub for about 2 billion dollars. Now both companies have confirmed the transaction on their official Twitter accounts. People seem to be divided between those who see something positive in Microsoft honoring their mantra of love for developers and

TrackMania Nations Forever Available As A Snap Application Paid Members Public
Good news for penguin users, TrackMania Nations Forever has been released on edge channel as a snap package this information came first on forum site. Most of Linux users never heard about Track Mania, because it is only available for Windows, Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation 4 e Xbox

Has Github Knocked Itself Out For Open Source Community? Paid Members Public
Microsoft buying Github has been the talk of the town. I have never written an article on the story because I was not sure about it. Today when Microsft has confirmed that they’re buying Github for $7.5 Billion, I think we should face it. Yes, people have started

Here Is What's New In Fedora 28 Paid Members Public
For those who don’t know about this Linux distro, Fedora is one of those Linux distributions that comes released with cutting-edge software rather than staying on the same boat with other distributions that prefers stability. Fedora comes in three flavors: Workstation, Server, and Atomic. I’ll be reviewing Fedora

Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Available To Download Paid Members Public
Ubuntu 18.04, the latest LTS release of Ubuntu has finally been released. After massive changes and moments of waiting it is clear that canonical had something exciting for Ubuntu users. Codenamed Bionic beaver, the ubuntu 18.04 is a hit with its new features optimized for artificial intelligence and