
Why End To End Testing Should Be A Key Part Of Your Software Testing Strategy

Why End-To-End Testing Should Be A Key Part Of Your Software Testing Strategy Members Public

In today’s highly competitive software development industry, ensuring high-quality products is paramount to a company’s success. An effective software testing strategy is essential to achieving this goal. One critical component of such a strategy is end-to-end testing.   End-to-end testing provides a comprehensive approach to verifying that an application

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Digibyte Price Forecast for Holders Members Public

DigiByte (DGB) is one of the oldest blockchains in the world. This technology was created in 2014 with a number of important features. Its developers claim that it is faster and more secure than Bitcoin and less expensive than its better-known blockchain brother. Should we rush to the cryptocurrency exchange

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
How SQL Shapes the Customer Journey

How SQL Shapes the Customer Journey Members Public

Consumer demands are changing rapidly, and businesses must understand their expectations to deliver products or services accordingly. Most businesses create a customer journey map that allows them to create a visual storyline for customer engagement with a brand or product.   You need to collect and analyze data to get into

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
WhatsApp Privacy Policy Updates

WhatsApp New Policy And the Backlash From "Common" People Will Cooldown Members Public

Just a week ago, the internet was hit with the news about WhatsApp privacy policy updates. Everyone was talking about such a major update in the policy and how it could affect WhatsApp users. In this article, I will discuss the change in the policy and how it will change

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
linux myths

Time To Break Linux Myths Members Public

Yes! You read right. While the world is realizing the power of Linux, on the other hand, there are also people found debating in the communities like, Reddit about how bad Linux is due to several problems. Several issues that are raised are actually myths about Linux. So here is

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail