
Efficient Raspberry Add ons To Enhance Performance Part

10 Efficient Raspberry Add-ons To Enhance Performance - Part 8 Members Public

Sometimes, you may find yourself in great need to improve the functionality of your Raspberry Pi. There is a good chance your Raspberry does not support the functionality you want. There is also a chance that it supports your dream functionality but with the help of an external tool. An

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Raspberry Pi Series
snap vs deb

.snap Vs .deb Package Members Public

As the number of Linux applications grows, so does the concern about security. Even though there are few recorded Linux attack incidents, it is conceivable to be attacked by viruses, hackers, or malware. Because Linux is open-source, those problems are fixed faster, and the community may contribute to maintaining the

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Ubuntu 18.04 Vs. Fedora 28

Ubuntu 18.04 Vs. Fedora 28 Members Public

Hello folks. Today I’ll highlight some of the features and differences between the two popular Linux distros; Ubuntu 18.04 and Fedora 28. Each has its own package management; Ubuntu uses DEB while Fedora uses RPM, but both of them feature the same Desktop Environment (GNOME) and aims to

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions
GNOME Pomodoro A Time Utility Tool That Increases Productivity

GNOME Pomodoro: A Time Utility Tool That Increases Productivity Members Public

Hello readers, today I’ll be covering on how to increase your productivity and this applies to all types of computer users, especially Linux, just kidding. 😛 Believe me most of us who work on computers have suffered back pain, eye strain, stress, and then end up getting frustrated. However, did

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux tools
notepadqq an alternative to notepad

Notepadqq An Alternative To Notepad++ For Linux Members Public

Notepadqq is a programmer’s text editor program for Linux. It is an alternative to Notepad++, a very popular Windows text editor among the programmer’s community. Notepadqq is available as a snap app on Ubuntu platform currently, and so is Notepad++. So what makes them different? The answer is

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
5 differences between linux and windows

5 Differences Between Linux And Windows Members Public

Are you an entirely new computer user who just bought a PC and had Microsoft Windows pre-installed on it? Seeking out what’s beyond the realm of Windows Operating System, exploring curiously what Linux is and how it is different from the former one that already came with your computer

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
32 bit vs. 64 bit operating system

32-Bit Vs. 64-Bit Operating System Members Public

This has really been confusing to some people choosing between 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Head over to any operating system’s website, you will be given a choice to download either version of the same operating system. So what is the difference? Why do we have two different versions of

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Distrowatch homepage

DistroWatch The Best Website For Distro Hoppers Members Public

DistroWatch is a well-known website in the open-source community as a dedicated place to get up-to-date information predominantly about open-source operating systems. This article will cover details about what the DistroWatch website offers to open source community including its much-hyped ranking system for Linux distros. The DistroWatch – what does it

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions