
cloudberry an easy to use cloud backup tool for linux

CloudBerry An Easy To Use Cloud Backup Tool For Linux Members Public

All of us store our important files on our computer. These important files may include family photos, personal files, and business/office files. What if you miss these files? A hard disk failure could cause all your files go away or what if you delete them mistakenly. So it’s

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Backup data
Bluestar Linux A Solid Arch Based Linux Distribution With KDE Desktop Environment

Bluestar Linux A Solid Arch Based Linux Distribution With KDE Desktop Environment Members Public

Bluestar Linux is an Arch based Linux distro powered by the KDE desktop. The developers seek to provide up to date packages and a host of desktop and multimedia apps out of the box. The aim of the distro is to provide a solid operating system that provides a wide

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions

Top Alternative Linux Distributions To Windows XP Members Public

After recent Wanna Cry ransomware attack, people are now awakening that they should leave Windows XP and should upgrade their OS. But the problem with them is that they cannot afford a heavy OS like windows 10 nor they can afford to pay a large sum of green cash for

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions

WPS Office One Of The Best Alternatives To MS Office On Linux Members Public

Do you think Microsoft Office and LibreOffice are the only office software suites in town? Think again! WPS Office is in most ways useful, and easier to use office software suite available for Linux. There is no random document reformats, document freezes or the typical compatibility issues you’d come

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

10 Must Have Linux Applications For Office Members Public

When it comes to office work, you want to be as productive and efficient as possible. Today, let’s look at 10 must have Linux apps for your office which will get your working like a Boss. Read along. 10 must have apps for your office Ulauncher Ulauncher provides instant

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Damn Small Linux A Lightweight Linux Distro For Old Computers Members Public

By the name yes it’s really small and lightweight (had to utter this word too “damn!”). Damn Small Linux is a distro that offers a GUI based OS for low resource systems and some applications for normal users task-alike. It’s designed with the intention to pack all the

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions

The Simplest And Tiny Linux Game Gravitation Members Public

Gravitation is a game that truly keeps the spirit of being a game. There is no fancy heavy graphical artwork, only bitmaps though not entirely! Jason Rohrer authored the whole game including the audio effects! This game particularly suits those melancholy ones and likely revolves around the life of the

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Code::Blocks IDE Review Members Public

Codeblocks is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programmers and developers. It comes with predefined tools to develop Qt applications, plugins, console applications, etc. considering one has installed the required tools independently (eg- Qt development tools). Most IDEs come with “project” feature and that’s the turning point because some

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail