
grep command

grep Command - Linux Commands Guide Members Public

grep stands for Global Regular Expression Print. grep command is available in Unix/Linux-based operating systems. The full form of the tool suggests that it is used to search any text or expression in the given file(s). It is useful when you are searching for a line in a

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
linux command guide
OBS Studio stream from Linux

OBS Studio - Stream From Linux Distribution Members Public

OBS Studio is the all-in-one tool for streaming your video in real-time. It is free to use, open-source, and supports all major platforms, including Linux. In this article, I will walk you through a tour of OBS Studio. You will learn how easy it is to stream your video from

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
obs studio
setting up jquery development environment

Set up jQuery development environment - Learn jQuery Members Public

Welcome to the second article in the series, Learn jQuery. Using jQuery in web pages is extremely simple, but we should have proper tools for debugging our code. Fortunately, we only require a web browser that is good for development and a code editor. We will be using Firefox Developer

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn jQuery
EndeavourOS Learn Arch right way

EndeavourOS - Learn Arch The Right Way Members Public

EndeavourOS came out last year after we had one of our favorite arch-based distros discontinued. Initially, the team released the first version with the Xfce desktop environment but today; they support several other desktop environments. EndeavourOS is one of very few Linux distributions that does not claim to provide easy-to-use

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions
Introduction to jQuery Learn jQuery

Introduction to jQuery - Learn jQuery Members Public

Modern web application development is incomplete without learning jQuery. Almost all of us have heard of it at some point while browsing the Internet. In this series of articles, we will learn jQuery, the most popular Javascript framework. At the end of the series, we will build multiple projects to

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn jQuery
Public Private Protected Access Modifiers and No Modifiers in Java

Public, Private, Protected Access Modifiers and No Modifiers in Java Members Public

Levels of AccessPrivateNo ModifierProtectedPublicSame ClassYesYesYesYesSame Package Sub ClassNo YesYesYesSame Package Non-Sub ClassNoYesYesYesDifferent Package Sub ClassNoNoYesYesDiffernt Package Non-Sub ClassNoNoNoYes Note – In this table, Sub Class means a child-parent relationship is involved between the two classes. If you do not understand the above table, do not worry because you will understand it

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Interfaces in Java

Interfaces in Java Members Public

We have already learned about the class. A class is a way of defining how an object would look and behave. A class contains variables and methods. Variables define how an object looks and feels. Methods inside a class define how an object behaves. An interface is a special type

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
new switch assert keywords in java

new, switch and assert keywords in Java Members Public

As we talked about abstract, for and continue keywords in our last article. We will be talking about the new, switch, and assert keyword in Java. new When we create a class in Java and decide to use this class, we need to make an object of this class and

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail