
java is a language of keywords

Java Keywords - Java Is A Language of 50 Keywords Members Public

Freshly we have studied Object Oriented Programming Concept, and this time we will be discussing the necessary keywords in Java programming. In any programming language, the number of keywords is huge, but some keywords come into use very frequently. Today, we will be talking about those keywords. Please have patience

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Object Oriented Programming Concepts

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Members Public

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts, as you know, we are going to learn Java programming language. Java is an object-oriented programing language. Don’t worry about it if you do not understand what it is because I will explain it to you. Object-Oriented programming has two main things * Object * Class Note – An

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
types of code translators

Types of Code Translator Members Public

Before we start learning about the Java programming language and start talking about Class, Object, variables, etcetera, we need to talk about code translator. A code translator is a piece of code that the developer of the programming language creates. We know that we will be writing code in some

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Using grove sensors with Raspberry Pi

Grove Sensors For Raspberry Pi Members Public

Raspberry Pi is a great invention that ever happened. We can use the little $35 computer to build from a cam kit to the future of kids in rural India. To learn more about what this little device can do or has done, read this article I wrote a while

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Working With Dictionaries In Python

Working With Dictionaries In Python Members Public

Dictionaries in pythons are a collection of key-value pairs. They are very similar to JSON data types in JavaScript. Dictionaries are indexed, we can modify them, and they are no ordered. This makes it very flexible and useful. Since we can access dictionary items with keys instead of indexes, dictionaries

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Python
Python Lists And Tuples

Python Lists And Tuples Members Public

If you have had some programming exposure, I am sure you know about Arrays. Well, Python also has arrays, but they are called Lists and Tuples in Python. They are very much like the plain old arrays that we have known but with some great add-ons. So let us have

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Python
Basic Calculator Program Learn Bash

Basic Calculator Program - BASH Example Project [Part 8] Members Public

We will build a bash example project, calculator program and at the same time reinforce all the concepts already taught. In a quick summary, we’ve explored the fundamental topics on variables, decisions, control statements, and arguments. There were minor subtopics including using comments in bash programs and operator types.

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Bash
Arguments Another way to work with user inputs

Arguments | Another way to work with user inputs - Part 7 Members Public

Welcome to the Arguments chapter of the BASH scripting series. This chapter will introduce you to another new method of getting user inputs for your script. In the previous chapter, we’ve used the read command to get user inputs. Our bash interpreter invokes the read command works after our

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Bash