
Hacking With Kali Linux

Ethical Hacking With Kali Linux Members Public

Today I am going to start a very interesting series of topics, Hacking with Kali Linux. In this series, I will start from the basics of hacking with Kali Linux and go advance. I will not beat around the bush or discuss crap that’s spammed all around the internet

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Hacking with Kali Linux
game 1

Create Games With Godot Game Engine Members Public

Are you considering creating a game in your free spare time or as a full-time game developer? You should check out Godot if you want a FOSS game engine on your Linux machine. There are tons of open source game engines and of course including those proprietary ones that most

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
GSConnect Integrate Android Phone With Linux Computer

GSConnect Integrate Android Phone With Linux Computer Members Public

GSConnect is the complete reimplementation of KDE Connect for GNOME desktop environment. KDE Connect is a cool application for integrating your Android phone with a Linux desktop computer. The app allows you to control, share files, read notifications, etc between the two devices. For instance, you can read Android notifications

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
linux desktop workspaces

Desktop Workspaces In Linux Members Public

Have you ever come across the term “desktop workspaces” around the Linux community? If you haven’t and are curious about what desktop workspaces are, then, you are at the right place reading this article 🙂 I’ll guide you on what workspaces are on Linux and how you can utilize

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Linux Partition Management

Linux Partition Management Members Public

Making Linux partitions is one of the toughest tasks for new Linux users. In this article, I will cover various topics on Linux partitioning. I’ll use different Linux partition managers to list, create, resize, extend and delete Linux partitions. Linux partition managers In this article, we will perform CRUD(

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Linux tee command

tee Command In Linux - Linux Commands Guide Members Public

Today, we are going to go over the Linux tee command. There isn’t much to this command so this guide will be brief. You will find some use for it at some point. Linux tee Command Usage and Examples tee command (as in a T-splitter in plumbing) takes content

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
linux command guide
Bash for loop Loops In BASH

Bash for loop - Loops In BASH- Learn BASH | Part 6 Members Public

Welcome to the sixth chapter on BASH scripting series. And today we will dive into a very cool topic called looping constructs in computer programming. Loops are important if we have a task that needs repetition. There are different types of loops in bash, bash for loop, while loop, and

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Bash
Things to do after installing arch linux

Things To Do After Installing Arch Linux Members Public

Continuing from the previous article, we will finish by fine-tuning the system to enable functionality comparable to other distros. After this tutorial, you will have a lot of the basic features you will find in a distro such as Fedora or Ubuntu. * Things To Do After Installing Arch Linux * Wifi

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Arch Linux