
how to change default ssh port

How To Change SSH Port In Linux Members Public

We wrote a detailed article on what SSH is and how to use SSH to connect to a remote server. In this article, you will learn why and how to change the default SSH port. Why change the default SSH port? If your Linux distro does not have SSH pre-installed,

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
grep command

grep Command - Linux Commands Guide Members Public

grep stands for Global Regular Expression Print. grep command is available in Unix/Linux-based operating systems. The full form of the tool suggests that it is used to search any text or expression in the given file(s). It is useful when you are searching for a line in a

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
linux command guide
What is new Thunderbird

What's New In Thunderbird 78 Members Public

Thunderbird is among the must-have applications on any operating system. It is developed by the same company that develops Firefox, Mozilla Foundation. Recently, Thunderbird released Thunderbird 78.0 with a couple of interesting features and improvements. The popular email client is installed on almost all Linux distributions. All you need

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
OBS Studio stream from Linux

OBS Studio - Stream From Linux Distribution Members Public

OBS Studio is the all-in-one tool for streaming your video in real-time. It is free to use, open-source, and supports all major platforms, including Linux. In this article, I will walk you through a tour of OBS Studio. You will learn how easy it is to stream your video from

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
obs studio
install laravel in ubuntu 1

Install Laravel In Ubuntu 20.04 "LTS" Members Public

Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks for developing web applications. It has a ton of features that otherwise are time-consuming to build a PHP app from scratch. Some of the best features of Laravel are, it is easily customizable, the great authentication system, and a huge collection of

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
whats new in Linux Mint

What's New In Linux Mint 20 "Ulyana" Members Public

Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” was released last month with a list of new features and improvements. I upgraded my Linux Mint 19 to “Ulyana” and used it for more than a week. In this article, we’ll see the new features and improvements implemented in Linux Mint 20. What’s

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Mint
Joomla Team Disclosed Data Breach Occurred Last Week

Joomla Team Disclosed Data Breach Occurred Last Week Members Public

Joomla! is one of the biggest CMS in the World, to be specific, it is the 3rd most popular after WordPress and Drupal. Being that big in the industry, even a small error can cause millions of users worldwide. Just a few days back, the Joomla! the team announced a

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn jquery include jquery in web pages

Include jQuery in web pages - Local or CDN Members Public

In the last article of the learn jQuery series, we learned to create a jQuery development environment. Fortunately, it was pretty easy to create. In this article, we will learn to include jQuery on our web pages. In this article, we will fire our first jQuery code and see it

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn jQuery