
Screenshot 2019 07 02 20 13 00

Endeavour OS - Ready To Be Released Members Public

One of our favorite Arch-based Linux distros, Antergos, was discontinued recently. All those using Antergos are another distro ready to take place as a user-friendly Arch Linux distro, EndeavourOS. * * * * * * * * EndeavourOS promises to provide an easier way to install and use Arch Linux, just as Antergos did. Their commitment is to

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions
mayhemcars linux car game itch

Race Stupid With AI In MayHemCars Members Public

Hello, Linux gamers! Today, I’ll be covering a car racing game called MayHemCars. The game is unique and hilarious too. Instead of trying to win, the other racers bump and crash on each other. You better watch out, or they’ll try to ram you off the tracks too.

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
steam support ends for ubuntu

Steam To Drop Support For Ubuntu 19.10 Members Public

Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution and that’s why it gets the attention of big companies like steam to design software for it. But recently, Linux community is kind of unhappy over Canonical decision on dropping Ubuntu 32-bit packages. The community already discussed that in case Ubuntu drops

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
raspberry pi 4

Raspberry Pi 4 Is Here - Buy Now Members Public

Raspberry Pi 4 was released today with amazing new features and upgrades. Let us find out what is new and how we can buy Raspberry Pi 4 right now. Raspberry Pi Series We have written a series on Raspberry Pi. So if you want to read in detail about Raspberry

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Basic Calculator Program Learn Bash

Basic Calculator Program - BASH Example Project [Part 8] Members Public

We will build a bash example project, calculator program and at the same time reinforce all the concepts already taught. In a quick summary, we’ve explored the fundamental topics on variables, decisions, control statements, and arguments. There were minor subtopics including using comments in bash programs and operator types.

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Bash
Arguments Another way to work with user inputs

Arguments | Another way to work with user inputs - Part 7 Members Public

Welcome to the Arguments chapter of the BASH scripting series. This chapter will introduce you to another new method of getting user inputs for your script. In the previous chapter, we’ve used the read command to get user inputs. Our bash interpreter invokes the read command works after our

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Bash
Python Programming For Loop

For Loop - Python Programming Members Public

We have already discussed the while loop in our previous article. In this article, we will be covering the for loop. The for loop is one of the most widely used loops in programming. As you begin writing real code, you will find that you will almost always use for

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Python
raspberry pi series featured image

Control Raspberry Pi & IOT Devices From Cloud Using Cloud4RPi Members Public

Raspberry Pi is one of the best inventions of our times. We can use this low-cost device to make something really cool and useful. In this article, I will show you how you can control your Raspberry Pi and send instructions to the devices connected to your RPi from anywhere

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials