
Things to do after installing arch linux

Things To Do After Installing Arch Linux Members Public

Continuing from the previous article, we will finish by fine-tuning the system to enable functionality comparable to other distros. After this tutorial, you will have a lot of the basic features you will find in a distro such as Fedora or Ubuntu. * Things To Do After Installing Arch Linux * Wifi

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Arch Linux
windows calculator open source

Windows Calculator Goes Open Source Members Public

For the past few years we’ve watched Microsoft’s love toward open source by making many of its popular software open source. From Microsoft Edge to Powershell, it has been trying to prove its love for OSS community. And this time, the company has made its Calculator application open

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
puppy linux 8.0

Puppy Linux 8.0 Released Members Public

Puppy Linux is one of the tiniest Linux distros. It loads into RAM and runs from it making it faster than most Linux distributions. Puppy Linux 8.0 “Bionicpup” came out yesterday with a couple of new features and latest software. As the codename ‘Bionicpup” suggests, this release is based

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
gnome custom apps quick access

Ways To Get Quick Access To Custom Apps On GNOME Desktop Members Public

Have you ever loaded a custom application from the Internet and encountered the following issue: having to launch your terminal application and enter the command to run that executable file? I’d done it several times before realising there are two ways to efficiently launch my custom installed applications on

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Linux Mint KDE Still Possible

Linux Mint KDE Still Possible Members Public

If you’re the Linux Mint and KDE lover, then you know that starting from Linux Mint 19 “Tara”, your beloved Linux distro has stopped shipping with KDE. So Linux Mint KDE has died a brutal death. But we can revive the combination of the two best software, i.e.

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
netbeans java ide

Ways To Get More Productive On Netbeans Development Platform Members Public

Netbeans is a cool Java integrated development environment packed with lots of features along with the capability of extending its functions by adding more plugins. However, there are some of the tools or features in the IDE we rarely use while coding our Java program. This article will provide some

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
game 1

Gamehub - Shows Games From Different Sources Members Public

We’ve recently seen the spike in Linux games, many popular gaming platforms have focused on Linux gaming. Last year Steam released Steam Play to play Windows games on Linux. Awesome! The list is growing fast so Linux gamers need Gamehub, an app allows to install, run, uninstall games from

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
gnome web

GNOME Web: A Web Browser Integrates Well With GNOME Desktop Environment Members Public

GNOME Web (or just Web) is another cool Internet browser that is powered by the same engine (Webkit) that powers Opera and Google Chrome Internet browsers. It’s aesthetically beautiful while at the same time modern web pages are rendered well like those major browsers. However, it’s not the

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail