
What Are Various Debian Installation Discs Paid Members Public
Ever got confused by the amount of disc made available for downloading on Debian servers? Worry not, if this is your approach looking around the Internet for an explanation of why and what are those various discs for installing Debian on your beloved computer, you are at the right place.

Data Types & Data Modelling In MySQL - MySQL Series Part 2 Paid Members Public
In this article, we will be learning about the various data types in MySQL and also how data modeling is done. I am assuming you have a working instance of MySQL on your computer. If not, you can read the step by step installation instructions. Data Types in MySQL MySQL

Upgrading Debian From Stable To Testing Paid Members Public
I reckon you’ve been a long time user of Debian stable and now wants to change some few aspects of your computer….oh wait! I mean huge aspects of your computer operating system. Now you want to upgrade to Debian testing because you’d like new features, get access

Debian Enters Freeze State For Buster Release Paid Members Public
Debian testing enters freeze state for the release of the next Debian stable version called Buster. The current stable version of Debian is Stretch which is versioned 9. So you can correctly guess Buster version is gonna be the number 10. If you aren’t a Debian testing user, worry

Web Server Setup Series - Fix CWP Errors & Warnings To Improve Server Security Paid Members Public
Welcome to the second part of the web server setup series. In this part, I’ll show you how to fix CWP (CentOS web panel) errors and warnings, create new user accounts, create hosting packages, and create an FTP account. So let’s start. In the last part, I installed

How to Create Shortcuts in Linux: A Beginner's Guide Paid Members Public
Linux is a powerful operating system used by millions of people worldwide. It is renowned for its flexibility, customizability, and vast features, making it the go-to choice for developers and power users. One of the most valuable features is to create shortcuts in Linux, which can help you save time

How to Install MySQL in Ubuntu Paid Members Public
The Internet is a wild animal. Hungry enough to consume all the data in the world, and still be left wanting for more. Internet was very different earlier. The demand and supply for data was fulfilled in mostly using files that were often manually created. But once enough people were

Debian Popularity-Contest Program To Collect System Packages Data Paid Members Public
In the following article, we will see how we can provide data on the use of our .deb packages to the Debian team through popularity-contest. Obviously, the fact of providing the data of the packages that we use the most will be optional and totally anonymous. WHAT CAN BE USEFUL