
3 ways to install arch linux

3 Ways To Install Arch Linux Members Public

Maybe today is the day you’ve decided to take the step. You have enough time in GNU/Linux, enjoying the usability provided by some of the most famous, user-friendly distributions. And you think you do not have enough, that you want more. Greater control over what you install or

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Connecting To A Proxy Server Part 2

Connecting To A Proxy Server - Part 2 Members Public

Previously, We have seen what a proxy server is, it’s advantages and some web that tells you about your connection. However, you must be clear that proxy and VPN are not the same and that a proxy server does hide your IP but does not eliminate more identifying data.

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Connecting to Proxy Server

Connecting To A Proxy Server - Part 1 Members Public

In this series, we will detail how to connect to a proxy web server in order to be able to browse anonymously. This series is related to the post on how to connect to a VPN that Mohd Sohail wrote in the past and you can read that here. In

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
47 GNU Linux Distributions For Your Desktop Old Computer Hobbies Or Raspberry Pi

47 GNU/Linux Distributions For Your Desktop, Old Computer, Hobbies Or Raspberry Pi Members Public

The world of GNU/Linux distributions is a world full of open source and mostly free operating systems, all of them based on the same core. If you are thinking about giving some of them a chance, here are 47 GNU / Linux distributions series so you can find the one

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Distributions
Snap Application Permissions

Snap Application Permissions Members Public

We have already written about snaps and its advantages against other packaging application system. If we compare RPM and DEB packages to snaps we can see on snaps automatic background updates allowing up-to-date applications, with bugs fixes more frequently. A snap app is packaged with all dependencies making the application

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
Decisions A Way To Make BASH Program Intelligent

Decisions | A Way To Make BASH Program Intelligent - Learn BASH | Part 4 Members Public

Welcome to the fourth chapter of BASH scripting series in which we will discuss the topic, decisions. Like a human being making decisions throughout the day, computers too need to decide on the best possible route when executing stuff from time to time. It has to consider whether a certain

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Learn Bash
Password Hashing And Why We Need It

Password Hashing And Why We Need It Members Public

As a web developer, you must have come across the term password hashing at least once. Let us quickly understand what is password hashing and why we even need it. What is Password Hashing? Password hashing is the process of encrypting a user’s password before storing it into a

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials
PHP 5.x Security Support Ends In December 2018 Puts 60 Websites On Risk

PHP 5.x Security Support Ends In December 2018 Puts 60%+ Websites On Risk Members Public

Basically, in 10 weeks we will have more than half of the websites exposed to potential security problems if after the new year there is a vulnerability in PHP 5.x.According to statistics from W3Techs, 61.7% of all websites whose server-side programming language we know, currently use PHP

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail