
Make Your Very Own Customized Linux Distro From Your Current Installation Paid Members Public
When we use Linux, one of the most common and useful features is the ability to personalise, clone, and remaster our Linux installation to meet our specific needs. Because Linux is so adaptable, we can install and use it in a variety of ways: we can install it from a

All You Need To Know About Swap Partition In Linux Paid Members Public
So somewhere while installing your favorite Linux distro you came across the word “Swap” and now you are here to know what is Swap. Well, I will tell you it in the simplest sense. What Is Swap Space? Swap is a replacement or better say less-used alternative for RAM( Random

Best Linux Distros To Try In 2023 Paid Members Public
Hey folks! Here is the new year 2023. As a new year comes we all are excited to know what is new in the world of Linux. Whether you are a newbie or a regular user we want to know which are the best and awesome distro for this year

Vivaldi Internet Browser Continues To Grow With 1.6 Release Paid Members Public
So the browser wars continue. What is the best browser available for your Linux desktop? Mozilla Firefox continues to be the default web browser for the most Linux distros but you could always choose Google Chrome which is the most popular browser around. Notwithstanding these, there are a couple of

How to Use Google Drive on Linux: A Comprehensive Guide Paid Members Public
Google Drive is one of the most popular services to store your files in the cloud. You can access your Google Drive account through a web browser or using a client. This time I’m going to talk about one Google Drive Linux client but without a graphical interface. In

What Is Conky And How To Configure Conky On Ubuntu 16.04 Paid Members Public
Conky is a free system monitor tool for the X window system on Linux. It is able to monitor many system variables including CPU status, swap space, temperatures, disk storage, processes, network interfaces, battery status and a host of others and then displays the information on your desktop. It can

10 Top Companies That Are Powered By Linux Paid Members Public
Linux is one of the most popular operating systems used for many companies, in this article you are going to find 10 companies that use Linux. 1. Oracle It’s one of the biggest and most popular companies that offer informatics products and services, it uses Linux and also it

How To Dual Boot Windows 10 And Fedora 25 Paid Members Public
Fedora 25 is the latest update released for the Fedora distro. Fedora Workstation is an easy to use operating system for laptop and desktop computers, with a set of tools that are idle for everyone. Fedora is a global community that works together to lead the advancement of free and