
Extra Packages For Enterprise Linux (EPEL) for CentOS Paid Members Public
Extra Packages For Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) is a Fedora Special Interest Group that creates, maintains and manages a high-quality set of additional packages for Enterprise Linux. These packages are made available but not limited to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux. The developers base

What Is Raspberry Pi Project? Paid Members Public
The Raspberry Pi is a series of the single-board, low-cost, high-performance computer first developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The Raspberry Pi 3 is the sixth and latest iteration to be released in the series and it just keeps getting better. Rasberry Pi 3 Raspberry Pi 3

Flatpak Reviews - Linux Apps For All Distributions Paid Members Public
So Canonical sought to solve the problem with distributing applications on Linux due to the very many and different Linux distributions around and each with their own packaging formats. So Canonical introduced Snaps. Whew, that would be great. But again, Canonical isn’t the only one hoping to crack this

Solus Linux Distribution Review Paid Members Public
Looking for a new Linux desktop distribution? You are definitely spoilt for choice. The market is well saturated with quality desktop distributions, featuring different desktop environments. Between Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE, you have a choice of well-supported distributions with lots of up-to-date software and commercial backing, as well as a

How To Use Nmap Security Scanner (Nmap Commands) Paid Members Public
Nmap is a great security scanner. Many systems and network administrators use it for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. In this article, I’ll guide you through how to use Nmap commands. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways

Use vi Editor Paid Members Public
vi is a screen-oriented text editor originally created for the Unix operating system. The name “vi” is derived from the shortest unambiguous abbreviation for the ex command visual, which switches the ex line editor to visual mode. vi is included in the most popular Linux distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint

10 Things To Do After Installing CentOS Paid Members Public
CentOS is a community-driven free Linux Distribution which happens to be a very capable alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux sources. After installing CentOS 7, you may go ahead and start using the OS, but there are many things we can do

Install Linux Mint From USB Paid Members Public
Linux Mint is one of the most popular Linux distribution. Mostly advanced Linux users including LinuxAndUbuntu, it is always suggested to start with Linux Mint. So those who are newbies or thinking to use Linux Mint, here is a complete tutorial on how to install Linux Mint from USB and