
Top 10 Communities To Help Learn Linux Paid Members Public
If you have just moved to Linux then I’m sure you’ll have lots of queries. But you don’t need to worry. Linux has one of the largest communities on the Internet to help people get their queries cleared. Here in this article, I’m going to mention

Time To Break Linux Myths Paid Members Public
Yes! You read right. While the world is realizing the power of Linux, on the other hand, there are also people found debating in the communities like, Reddit about how bad Linux is due to several problems. Several issues that are raised are actually myths about Linux. So here is

Klavaro A Simple But Great Typing Tutor For Linux Paid Members Public
Klavaro is a free and easy to use typing tutor for Linux operating system. Though it is also available for Windows OS we’re not talking about that. Klavaro is a very simple typing tutor without lots of bells & whistles in the interface. Let’s see some of its
Remix OS Brings Android For PC Paid Members Public
Remix OS is an operating system based on Android-x86(). The OS is developed to provide android for PC. It is developed by Jide Technology. The latest version of Remix OS is based on Android Marshmallow. We hope to soon have the next versions based on Nougat. Testing machine The system
GnuCash A Free & Open Source Accounting Software For Linux Paid Members Public
GnuCash is a free open source accounting program launched in 1998 for small business. GnuCash implements a double entry bookkeeping system. It was first designed for Linux but later in 2004 it was released for Mac and in 2007 was available for Windows. Its current version is 2.6.14.
Artificial Intelligence, The Search For The Perfect Slave Paid Members Public
Artificial Intelligence, IA, is a fantastic scientific and engineering project whose main purpose is to create a perfect slave. It may sound creepy or disrespecful, but the dream is to make a device clever enough so that one can acquire it, get it out of the box, swiftly ensemble it
SecurityKISS - Stay Anonymous Online In Linux Paid Members Public
SecurityKiss is company from Ireland which provides VPN services to the people to remain hidden and anonymous on the Internet. Their mission is to keep your Internet connection secure, private, and anonymous. Their goal is “We lay particular emphasis on making our solutions as simple as possible to ensure that
TuxCut - A Tool To Protect Linux Against arpspoof Attacks Paid Members Public
TuxCut is an open source program that protects Linux computers against arpspoof attacks and also helps to block unwanted users on the network. Tuxcut is an alternative of Windows tool NetCut which is used for the same purpose of blocking unwanted users from the network. It is written in Python/