
Linux Filesystem Structure Explained Paid Members Public
When I started researching Linux after leaving Windows, I found the Linux filesystem structure quite perplexing, simply because I had never known anything other than the Windows file system. * Linux Filesystem Structure Tree * Windows File System Tree * Conclusion * Frequently Asked Questions * What is Linux Filesystem Hierarchy? * Is Linux a Ext4
Microsoft Powershell Is Now Available For Linux Paid Members Public
Powershell is a Windows command line tool and associated scripting language built on the .Net framework for performing administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems. Powershell has been a part of Windows systems for 10 years(November 14, 2006 ). On 18th August Microsoft announced on their blog that
Arch Linux Take Your Linux Knowledge To Next Level [Review] Paid Members Public
This review will be a bit unconventional, probably because Arch Linux itself is a bit unconventional. Rather than having continued, numbered releases like most distros, Arch Linux follows the rolling-release model, meaning that you install Arch once and it updates forever (or at least, until you break something). There is
Whatsie - Install & Use Whatsapp In Linux Paid Members Public
WhatsApp is a popular chat messenger used by 1 billion people around the globe. WhatsApp introduced web-based version of Whatsapp called WhatsApp Web. It allows users to use WhatsApp from web browser by synchronizing the mobile device connection. But we can use Whatsapp web in Linux using Whatsie, a free
Basics Of Linux File Permissions Paid Members Public
Linux file permissions are very well documented in many places throughout the internet. In fact, it’s one of the first things one learns when first learning Linux. Linux permissions are the first layer of security when it comes to your personal files and folders, as they control who can
Mega 50GB Free Cloud Storage Plus Linux Client Paid Members Public
Hi Guys, Today I wanna talk about a storage service that I have been using for a couple of months and I am pretty satisfied so I thought of sharing my experience with you guys. It’s a Mega cloud storage that provides 50GB data for free and an official

Linux System Monitoring Tool - 'top' Paid Members Public
I used to use Windows, but now I use Linux. When I first started using Linux, one of the first things I did was learn about the processes that were running in the background. In Windows, we have a graphical task manager. In Linux, there are numerous task managers that

Storage Solutions - All You Need To Know Paid Members Public
As computer users, we have all experienced the fear of losing our data at some point. I’m sure it sounds familiar because we all adore data. The data can be of various types, but most importantly, you do not want to discover that your priceless photographs have been deleted